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Musictech kit installation


Mar 12, 2023
Reaction score
Canada on
Hi all,

I am thinking of installing a musictech kit on one of my accordions. I am not the most knowledgeable on the accordion however I decided to take apart the bass mechanism of my sacrificial accordion. I sort of understand how it works. There are 12 rods representing notes C-B. There would be a circuit board to contact the pistons as attached in the image below. Are the kits easily adaptable to the accordions? How long do you think it would take a novice to install it and what has your luck been like installing them?

You are a far braver man than me to even attempt the installation.. It's way above my salary scale. Good luck keep us informed of your progress.
You are a far braver man than me to even attempt the installation.. It's way above my salary scale. Good luck keep us informed of your progress.
I'm nowhere near attempting it. I'm going to learn fixing acoustic first