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Musictech music maker randomly changing led numbers


Feb 25, 2024
Reaction score
Cleveland, OH
My Music Maker started randomly changing the number assignments to the three red led’s. I made global assignments of 000 and am using an external expander as a source of the sounds. This has worked fine for about 2 years but today the leds suddenly started changing randomly and began making random sounds without touching any keys. Has anyone experienced this? How can I get it to stop changing so I can redo the assignments?
My Music Maker started randomly changing the number assignments to the three red led’s. I made global assignments of 000 and am using an external expander as a source of the sounds. This has worked fine for about 2 years but today the leds suddenly started changing randomly and began making random sounds without touching any keys. Has anyone experienced this? How can I get it to stop changing so I can redo the assignments?
Contact Claudio sabbatini at musictech in italy....I hope you get it sorted out