I noticed that the posted sheet music uses straight eighth notes in some sections and (the characteristically "schottishy") dotted eighths in others. Whereas Mike's A section example is played dotted. I wondered which is correct, at least as far as "correct" has any meaning when it comes to folk music.
When in doubt, I try to go to audio sources, the older the better. So I found this recording from 1928, which has some interesting differences from the "E. Olzen" arrangement:
- Eighth note rhythm is dotted throughout
- There are few tiny differences in the melody, as to be expected with folk music. For example, in the first measure of the second line, it goes down to D instead of up to F.
- But some larger differences in what I guess we could call the second half of the C section, on the bottom of the second page of the sheet music. Almost reminds me of a hornpipe there, even more than schottishes usually do already.
Well either way you play it (or a "pick and choose" combo of both!), it's a lovely ditty.