Hello everyone. So I learned these tunes about a year ago. I started learning tunes by ear a year and a half ago, so its one of the earlier ones I learned by ear. At the time there was a small passage that I just for the life of me couldnt figure out. I know it involves the G, F#, D and Eflat, and at the time I got so sick of trying to figure it out I just gave up and used something that sounded roughly like it. However Ive shied away from playing this when busking/performing in front of other people as to me that one part just made it sound a bit disjointed or something. I have a pretty good ear these days, I can figure out most tunes if theyre played slower and repeated back to me but some reason 1 year on I still cant figure out this part. Ive learned the rest by ear note for note, perfectly, but this is driving me a bit mad! I dont know what it is thats stopping me.
So Im asking would anyone be so kind as to work it out for me!? Its just a few notes. Its the part at 1:12-1:14, and again 1:19-1:21ish. Hope its clear which passage it is!
Thank you!
So Im asking would anyone be so kind as to work it out for me!? Its just a few notes. Its the part at 1:12-1:14, and again 1:19-1:21ish. Hope its clear which passage it is!
Thank you!