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Need to get rid of my Scarlatti - what can I get for £500/

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I have a 72 bass Scarlatti, I never liked the tone plus it's quite heavy. It cost me £180 approx 8 years ago. I am
thinking of selling it on eBay. Also I find the bass difficult. I had a 120 bass before that and for some reason
found the bass easier.

I am 76 years of age and I might be joining a busking band. I am looking
for a 60 bass, hopefully, a bit lighter in weight. Looking on eBay there are quite a few but mainly WELTMEISTER
from Bulgaria. Is that make any good?

I don't mind paying around £500 to 700 max maybe for a decent used Hohner or an italian.

I am not really a serious player, I just play by ear mainly and can read simple music scores.

I would really appreciate any ideas you may have.
Hi Peter. & Welcome: Is the PA piano accordion?
Where are you in the UK?
Start with basses: therell be no discernible difference in weight between a 60 or 72 bass instrument of the same make: All the reeds required for 60 bass 12x5 are there also for 12x6.
So that keeps your options open.
Welties from the last 10 years are better than earlier ones, is the current received wisdom... and maybe better than later equivalent models from Hohner (Bravo range for example).
£700 is a healthy budget for a 2nd hand instrument, so you should consider what youll want to play to determine what tuning you want. I assume youre in UK (£s) so the easy ones to find will be musette tuned, but there are plenty of Hohners that will fit your requirements, too. See here for light weights & sizes: http://www.accordionists.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1404&hilit=smaller+lighter

Ill leave room for others to pitch in...
So, happy hunting.
Thanks for that information. I am in Hale near Altrincham.
The market for 2nd hand 60/72 bass appears to be strong so not much around in my price bracket.
I tried a Hohner Bravo 111 yesterday and it's the lightest 72 bass on the market. Prices vary
from 1250 down to 899 for new. Haven't seen a 2nd hand one yet.
A Weltmeister 60 bass Rubin, very light, very loud, might well fill the bill. Tuning is fairly wet as standard. We bought ours on eBay a couple of years back for £440. Don't play it all that much these days but sorry, don't feel able to let it go (which says it all).

We were the third owners but it was not far short of new, and no problems at all.

Have a look at second-hand accordions on the website of Allodi Accordions, of Lewisham London. Anyone on here will agree that Emilio Allodi is a really good and reliable chap for advising on, and selling accordions.

Good luck

Rob, thanks for the tip. Since posting this I have gone a bought a new Hohner Bravo iii 72 Bass which is lighter than the Scarlatti. Sound output nicer too! I Checked all the shops/sites and I see this is selling 995 to 1250.

I found one guy selling it for £899 so I bought it. I can re-sell if I find I don't like it. Good 72 Bass seem to hold their prices. However, I definitely will look into the 60 Bass Rubin and if I find one to
test and take a liking to it I'll sell my Hohner. 60 Bass accordions are hard to find at the right price.

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