Seems Cory was back in the news recently and his version of the accordion is no longer quite... an accordion. 

Yup!!!! You got it Ventura. Relative to you, many of the people on here, and certainly Cory, I have .001 % talent. But hey, I made lots of people smile and bob their heads this weekend with a simple Italian tune that I discovered has that effect. Plus I sold 4 accordions, which please excuse me for repeating, but I am still a little dazed by. People want to connect. I say to them, "I am only going to play one song. Acordions are like zucchini, one is good. Two?" Big smiles all around, you get the picture. "Ok, for you, from Cleveland, wow that's the center of accordions! Frankie Yankovic! Ok, I'll play a polka in honor....." "You're going to play more when we come over next week, right?" "Yeah, of song."some key elements of getting through and inspiring young people
are tried and true.. a great riff, a great friendship, a great love,
AND especially being all that in an approchable way
how many kids can listen to a Jazz performance and say to themselves
"Oh.. i could do that"
hiow many Kids heard "Smoke on the Water" and imMEDiately grabbed
the nearest instrument and tried to play it
so when FisItalia built a small, mustard colored Asterix button accordion
and took it to festivals all over Europe and got people to play it, do you
think they made some kids smile ? maybe one of those smiling kids
grows up to be the next DeBra ? or are the kids of Europe more
inspired by Flattop looking scraggly street musicians playing ratty old
accordions in the train station tunnels with scary eyes always glaring
at the young kids to stay away from the Tip cup ?
being clean and modestly attractive and being approachable and playing pleasant
and easy to grasp and enjoy and mentally take home with you songs and smiling
at your audience and noticing the young people with your eyes and riffs..
think that might work ?
i can play a room full of people, stroll through, and make personal contact
with at least 20% of the people in the room AND give them the feeling
that i played those few notes ESPECIALLY FOR THEM as our eyes caught and
i smiled at them with my fingers
Cory is awesome. obviously, i hope he continues doing some good,
but you all can do plenty too and be inspiring
when Fleetwood Mac created "TUSK" with the USC Marching Band, you can
spot Stevie suddenly borrow a Baton and stroll along for a minit
flipping it nicely just like she did back in her Schooldays..
do you think as she spun her smiling self past those College Kids they
suddenly saw her not as some unreachable Rock Goddess on Mt Olympus,
or as just a girl, just a person, just like them ?
do you think she made a few more LifeLong fans/friends that day ?
be approachable !
No, he really kind of missed the boat on that one for sure. To have come close, playing something that was written in the last 10-15 years would have been a better choice.Well, very interesting, thanks Jerry. Let's be honest, though, I don't think his jazzy jazz at the end is going to entice young people to play the accordion.
I don't know the definition of a super star, but I agree he is brilliant, just not my particular cup of tea.Cory is Brilliant goes without saying .
His latest effort is not available to view in the UK ???
you can't be a super star without a global Audience
NB I'm being a little cheeky ... Ha Ha Ha ....I don't mean it but the video cannot be seen in the UK
PS ,,,correct me please if I'm wrong
The reason it is impossible for those electronic accordion instruments to attract young players is that they cost at least $4,000.Seems Cory was back in the news recently and his version of the accordion is no longer quite... an accordion.