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Posted some music on Sound Cloud

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Mike K

Well-known member
Jul 27, 2016
Reaction score
Richmond, VA USA

I put some music on Soundcloud, feel free to listen when you get an opportunity. Variety of accordion music. Welcome to give comments or suggestions. I am going to try to use it as a marketing tool.
Hi Mike. That’s a nice repertoire and obviously a huge amount of work going into your collection.
Tell us a bit about your recording practices and what you are hoping to achieve.
For recording I am just using the mics on the accordion plugged in to my computer running audacity. I would love to do videos but I do not know I have the equipment to do it. I have tried to use a camera or phone but the audio quality is really lacking doing it that way.

As for experience, I started playing at age 7 and a few years later, I got hooked up with an excellent teacher in Erie, Pa. Basil Ronzitti. We competed in state competitions, had an accordion orchestra, and played concerts numerous places. Played seriously until I got married and moved about 15 years later. Then came kids, jobs, several moves....accordion got set aside. Bought a piano hoping the kids would learn but that never worked out. I play piano also but the accordion is still my strong suit. Retired last year and trying to bring the accordion out in public in an area it was never very popular, central Virginia, USA. I have played some fairs, farmer's markets, senior homes...tried some busking. Hard to find places that appreciate the accordion and the different styles of music I play on it. It is not rock, country or bluegrass.

Made the recordings, so I could send to places I hope might show an interest.

There is a small accordion group in the area but they are mostly beginners, organized by one guy giving some lessons.

Gonna keep on plugging and try to get people interested. Also trying to play in a band with a few others.....some accordion, but mostly keyboards for that. Do some latin and gypsy jazz with the accordion. Love to meet other players in the area if there are any.
Mike K post_id=61344 time=1532288862 user_id=1773 said:
For recording I am just using the mics on the accordion plugged in to my computer running audacity
You have some wicked good accordion skills, Mike. Id really enjoy watching you, as our tastes are pretty close.

Mike K post_id=61344 time=1532288862 user_id=1773 said:
I would love to do videos but I do not know I have the equipment to do it. I have tried to use a camera or phone but the audio quality is really lacking doing it that way.

A bit of info... audio is *always* going to suck until you get a very expensive camera with pro audio capabilities... or if you record your audio separately and synch the higher quality audio to your videos. This is what I do for best results, however, that said, a midlevel camera and direct connection will give you passable results, but wont ever match your mastered audio tracks done in Audacity or whatever audio software you record with.

Ive made a couple of blog articles that might help?

How I started my video studio.

The basics of recording the accordion

Video editing: The basics

Video taping yourself with one camera

My video camera settings

My lighting upgrade

Super affordable condenser mics

Recording the acoustic accordion #1

Recording the acoustic accordion #2

If you have any questions, dont hesitate to ask... I will help any way that I can. :)

Mike K post_id=61344 time=1532288862 user_id=1773 said:
As for experience, I started playing at age 7 and a few years later, I got hooked up with an excellent teacher in Erie, Pa. Basil Ronzitti. <snip>
That explains those high level skills. :)

Mike K post_id=61344 time=1532288862 user_id=1773 said:
Retired last year and trying to bring the accordion out in public in an area it was never very popular, central Virginia, USA. I have played some fairs, farmers markets, senior homes...tried some busking. Hard to find places that appreciate the accordion and the different styles of music I play on it. It is not rock, country or bluegrass.
That is the one huge hurdle for every pro, semi-pro or aspiring player... to either play what the locals want, or to find places that enjoy what you play. Hard thing to decide on. Since I do this for myself more than anything, the only audience I have t please is myself, and so far, it is a lot of fun. If someone else happens to like what I do, then all the better.

Mike K post_id=61344 time=1532288862 user_id=1773 said:
Made the recordings, so I could send to places I hope might show an interest.
Have you had any luck? What have you done to try to spread the word besides making and sharing the recordings?

Mike K post_id=61344 time=1532288862 user_id=1773 said:
There is a small accordion group in the area but they are mostly beginners, organized by one guy giving some lessons.
Yeah, not really optimal for you and your needs and interests, is it? I had something similar happen to me when I joined the local accordion club... it was fn at first, but they were lost in my world of music and anything outside their world was not appreciated much. I lasted a year/season before quitting.

Mike K post_id=61344 time=1532288862 user_id=1773 said:
Gonna keep on plugging and try to get people interested. Also trying to play in a band with a few others.....some accordion, but mostly keyboards for that. Do some latin and gypsy jazz with the accordion. Love to meet other players in the area if there are any.
Keep up the good fight, a guy with your level of skills is bound to turn a lot of heads! {}
Thanks everyone. I need to get working on the marketing. I was not doing it because I wanted to make some good recordings....Now I am not doing it because I keep doing something else instead. Sort of saying I need to get some good keyboard recordings out there but I am not as good a keyboard player as accordion. Guess never having a piano lesson might be the difference. Technique is okay but not great, probably like most accordion players that play keys also. bought a MOXF8 recently but I have not figured out how to use most of the features. I need some teenager to teach me how to use all the capabilities. I just "play" it, no sequencing yet, tried but so far I cannot get it to work the way I want to.
Jerry, do you know Joe Macerello at the University of Toronto? Met him several times in my youth. He and I had and Aunt in common. He was over my house probably when I was about 10 listening to me play. Also a friend of my music teacher.
I really enjoyed listening to your recordings; the accordion in its purest form, just well arranged pieces, good intros and exits. It’s hard to believe it was recorded on so basic a set up as ‘Audacity’. This alone proves how much quality is there in the first place.
I do recommend JerryPH’s site for advice on video and recording. Good results can obtained on very modest equipment (as you’ve already shown).
Best of luck from Scotland.
Mike K post_id=61434 time=1532633633 user_id=1773 said:
Jerry, do you know Joe Macerello at the University of Toronto? Met him several times in my youth. He and I had and Aunt in common. He was over my house probably when I was about 10 listening to me play. Also a friend of my music teacher.

Yes, he was my teacher several times when Glen Sawich (my fulltime teacher at the RCT), was unable to make it... and you previously mentioned having an aunt in common. Great musical blood runs rampant in your family... what can I say... youre really really good!

Finally put together a video. Was doing an open mic at Sam Ash and they had someone recording. Unfortunately, I played the second song too fast. I have that problem when I get nervous especially. Hope to do some more....The guy that does the recording tends to show up their fairly often, might get lucky and he will be there again.
Hi Mike! Wow, super impressive playing (way better than mine) and they captured you well in the video.

Ok, now for the (hopefully) constructive suggestions (since you asked in your initial post). Basically you played TOO well. How can that be? On "La Vie en Rose" you pretty much harmonized everything. You might consider switching it up a little and do some single note playing along with the harmonies or in another register to give it some variation and more dynamic interest. You did switch registers and travel up the keyboard, which was good. Same with "Sous le Ciels" there was a lot of similar ornamentation. In solo accordion playing, as in everything, "Variety is the Spice of Life."

Anyway, again, your playing is super impressive and I say this just from my little perspective in the hopes that you find it helpful. Tom
Mike K pid=65081 dateline=1556762788 said:

Finally put together a video.   Was doing an open mic at Sam Ash and they had someone recording.   Unfortunately, I played the second song too fast.   I have that problem when I get nervous especially.   Hope to do some more....The guy that does the recording tends to show up their fairly often, might get lucky and he will be there again.

Well done!  As far as playing fast when nervous, welcome to my world... lol  I think I set new land speed records sometimes!
Tom pid=65087 dateline=1556804824 said:
Hi Mike!  Wow, super impressive playing (way better than mine) and they captured you well in the video.  

Ok, now for the (hopefully) constructive suggestions (since you asked in your initial post).  Basically you played TOO well.  How can that be?  On La Vie en Rose you pretty much harmonized everything.   You might consider switching it up a little and do some single note playing along with the harmonies or in another register to give it some variation and more dynamic interest.  You did switch registers and travel up the keyboard, which was good.  Same with Sous le Ciels there was a lot of similar ornamentation.  In solo accordion playing, as in everything, Variety is the Spice of Life.  

Anyway, again, your playing is super impressive and I say this just from my little perspective in the hopes that you find it helpful.  Tom

On La Vie En Rose, I think I do some of that.   The intro is light on the right hand and very light on left hand with higher reed setting.   mostly single notes right hand and just chord no bass left hand.   The second verse is all improv.   The third is lower reed setting and played an octave higher with much fuller chords on both hands.   Maybe it does not come through on the recording that well.   

I do sometimes worry about boring people by playing a song too long but if you want to fill up a three hour night you have to make the songs last longer than 60 to 90 seconds.   I try to do that through some improvisations instead of the normal lead line.   Some songs unfortunately, I have trouble finding an improv that I think works for that song.    Octave and reed changes, I do use for variety as well as fullness of chords.   for example I may start with a basoon reed single note on something like the first verse of I Left My Heart in San Francisco, they switch to Organ ( high and Low) for next verse with improv, and the same setting for last verse with repeat or normal lead line with fuller chords and more dramatic bass lines.

JerryPH pid=65088 dateline=1556810170 said:
Mike K pid=65081 dateline=1556762788 said:

Finally put together a video.   Was doing an open mic at Sam Ash and they had someone recording.   Unfortunately, I played the second song too fast.   I have that problem when I get nervous especially.   Hope to do some more....The guy that does the recording tends to show up their fairly often, might get lucky and he will be there again.

Well done!  As far as playing fast when nervous, welcome to my world... lol  I think I set new land speed records sometimes!

Thanks for the compliments.   i am often not satisfied with my playing and keep saying I need to get BETTER before I can really market myself.   It is nice to hear some knowledgeable people think I am doing a pretty good job.   Also glad to hear that I am not the only one with the speed problem.   I even write SLOW on the top of my music sheets.   Does not always help though.   I think I am getting better but then forget all about it when the moment comes.   

Some songs like the Leon Sash jazz songs and Arrigo Tomasis renditions, I cannot play at anywhere near their speed.   At least with any clarity.   Guess I have to start pushing myself in front of people more.   ( wife unfortunately broke her arm recently and is not doing real well between that and arthritis.   Has sort of limited what I can do practice and playing wise.   I get to be cook, gardener, house cleaner, etc. for another month or so.   Sort of crimps in to the playing.   We have 10 acres with LOTS OF FLOWERS.   Spring is the busiest time and she is really upset she cannot do much with her left hand only.)  

Wish we all lived closer to each other so we could meet and hear each other in person.   I would love to play with other accordionists but have found almost none of significant ability in the area.   Met one from Slovakia that was playing keyboards in an Army Reserve Band.   We talked and I found out he plays Bayan accordion.   Sounds like he is quite accomplished, like I was in younger days.   Lives about 2 hours away, may get with him some day.
You definitely play well enough to market yourself, Mike! Go for it, time is too short! How are you at entertaining?

Tom said:
You definitely play well enough to market yourself, Mike!  Go for it, time is too short!  How are you at entertaining?

Definitely need improvement at my stage presence.   I am NOT going to go the dress up route....yes it may get me some jobs but it does not fit my personality.    I need to interact with audience more and make more eye contact.   problem is I still use music....often just to keep me in the right place on my improvisation.    If I spend too much time concentrating on audience, I sometimes forget where I am.   Can't concentrate on pretty girls and play music at the same time!
Tom said:
You definitely play well enough to market yourself, Mike!  Go for it, time is too short!  How are you at entertaining?

You know, Tom hit the nail on the head... there are so many musicians out there that are not all that "capable" but because they know how to entertain the room and market themselves, they do very well... playing to a standard is important to a musician, but sadly (at least sad for me), being an entertainer is more important to the people out there on the dance floor!

It's too bad that I am nearing the end of my playing career, because I had the playing part down very well and today know what it would take to start to become a better entertainer way too late in the game. I was never as good an entertainer as I could have been and that is something that has kind of reversed or me a small amount. The real sad part... so many people told me that very same thing as a child, but I was too filled in with the desire to become technically perfect that entertainment was the last thing on my mind.

About being with other higher level accordionists... it is TRULY a game changer!  Visiting my friend Ed and being at that Cory Pesaturo seminar showed me a lot... they both gave me a LOT to think about.  For me, ultimately, it was all about not mentally shutting down when pulling on the straps.  To that I say... if they cannot come to you, find some way to go to them! I drove 7 hours there and 7 hours back to get to the Cory Pesaturo seminar, and I few from Montreal to Florida to see my good friend Ed. Over and above meeting a "brother from another mother", I saw how a true musician plays. :)
Thanks Jerry! Yes, I definitely fall into the "pretty Ok musician/singer" good entertainer camp. I had to do a lot of public speaking and entertaining in my jobs. I'm hoping my musicianship catches up and I am taking singing lessons so there is hope. And I can definitely see the value of learning from the experts.

Mike, in this video you have the music to the side. If you put it in front of you, and as low as possible, you can maintain that eye contact and still glance down at the music. Let us know how it goes, good luck!

great audience respons, what's more to ask? well done

it seems you are rushing that part towards the end a bit (especially around 6:28), but by the end they didn't notice, everybody happy

just keep on making "flight hours"

two possible tips:
- to keep that tempo, put some hours on a metronome or try to pair up with someone else, e.g. a guitarist
- stage presence: either have yourself introduced or introduce your songs with a couple of words nothing lengthy, this is to "settle the room" and grab the initial attention, it helps people to go to the right state of mind about your performance
jozz said:

great audience respons, what's more to ask? well done

it seems you are rushing that part towards the end a bit (especially around 6:28), but by the end they didn't notice, everybody happy

just keep on making "flight hours"

two possible tips:
- to keep that tempo, put some hours on a metronome or try to pair up with someone else, e.g. a guitarist
- stage presence: either have yourself introduced or introduce your songs with a couple of words nothing lengthy, this is to "settle the room" and grab the initial attention, it helps people to go to the right state of mind about your performance
I definitely played the second song TOO FAST.   A problem I have to overcome.   I do not do it practicing but get carried away....little bit of nerves I guess.   Made it tricky to play some of those passages and they did not come out clear.   I think there is better recording of the song on SoundCloud.
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