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Removal of reed blocks in Cassotto Section of Accordion

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Well-known member
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Nov 2, 2018
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Yorkshire UK

I've recently upgraded my accordion from an ebay £100 special to a used Bugari Cassotto accordion in great condition.

On my ebay special I was able to fix any reeds that weren't sounding by removing the reed block and giving the culprit a gentle poke with a plastic toothpick. On the Bugari there are a couple of high reeds that aren't sounding in the Cassotto section. The non-tone chamber part of this accordion is easy to remove as its the same as my ebay special but I'm a bit intimated as to how to remove the reed blocks in the cassotto section. Is it the same procedure? - visually it looks somewhat different.....

If anyone knows of an online resource for Cassotto accordions or idiots guide I'd be grateful for the help.

Many thanks,

All more or less recent Bugari cassotto instruments (and those of some other brands too) use a clamp mechanism as can be seen at the top right of the image http://www.accordion.co.uk/newfaq/acc/cass2.jpg for instance. The clamp presses down on a flat spring mechanism that holds the reed blocks down on the righthand side. You turn the clamp clockwise to release it and then the reed blocks can be removed easily.
debra pid=64797 dateline=1555312607 said:
All more or less recent Bugari cassotto instruments (and those of some other brands too) use a clamp mechanism as can be seen at the top right of the image http://www.accordion.co.uk/newfaq/acc/cass2.jpg for instance. The clamp presses down on a flat spring mechanism that holds the reed blocks down on the righthand side. You turn the clamp clockwise to release it and then the reed blocks can be removed easily.
Thank you very much indeed, the picture looks very similar to my accordion so I will declamp and see how I get on.  Many thanks, Ben
As Paul photo shows most US and Italian brands (back to the 40's) have the very similar same fasting system to hold in Cassotto read blocks.  There (however are exceptions) but your box will have a very similar assembly.
JIM D. said:
As Paul photo shows most US and Italian brands (back to the 40's) have the very similar same fasting system to hold in Cassotto read blocks.  There (however are exceptions) but your box will have a very similar assembly.

Many thanks for this clarification
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