Prolific poster
The well known poet, Robert Burns, was born 25th January 1759.
As most already know his subjects were mainly the natural world around him, human relationships and strongly held views on equality and democracy. The last two in particular made many in high society uneasy as he was active around the early stages of the French revolution but on the other hand was held up as a beacon of enlightenment by others, not least Abraham Lincoln in the emerging United States of America.
The main media, TV, radio and printed newspapers here in my native Scotland are mainly owned and controlled from outwith the country and Robert Burns gets minimal, grudging exposure even on his birthday. I was brought up in an environment where Burns songs and poetry were common and I miss greatly hearing them.
Here are four Burns songs in 3/4 time recorded with my c1950s, Hohner Morino, Korg left-hand bass and chords with a few chords added later from the same accordion, all mixed down in Apple’s Garage Band.
The songs are ‘Leezie Lindsay’, ‘Ca’ the Ewes Tae the Knowes’, Bonnie Briar Bush, and ‘Ye Banks and Braes o’ Bonnie Doon’. (I’d be happy to ‘translate’ any of these titles for anybody interested)
As most already know his subjects were mainly the natural world around him, human relationships and strongly held views on equality and democracy. The last two in particular made many in high society uneasy as he was active around the early stages of the French revolution but on the other hand was held up as a beacon of enlightenment by others, not least Abraham Lincoln in the emerging United States of America.
The main media, TV, radio and printed newspapers here in my native Scotland are mainly owned and controlled from outwith the country and Robert Burns gets minimal, grudging exposure even on his birthday. I was brought up in an environment where Burns songs and poetry were common and I miss greatly hearing them.
Here are four Burns songs in 3/4 time recorded with my c1950s, Hohner Morino, Korg left-hand bass and chords with a few chords added later from the same accordion, all mixed down in Apple’s Garage Band.
The songs are ‘Leezie Lindsay’, ‘Ca’ the Ewes Tae the Knowes’, Bonnie Briar Bush, and ‘Ye Banks and Braes o’ Bonnie Doon’. (I’d be happy to ‘translate’ any of these titles for anybody interested)