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Roland Fr-3xb Questions/Help


Oct 12, 2024
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Hello all,
I recently (yesterday) just got my hands on a Roland 3x, used but for a low price since it's older and has an issue with the dc power supply. I've had a blast playing it so far, and spent like 8 hours on it over the last two days. Needless to say I'm very happy with my purchase. However I've run into two issues I could use some assistance with.

Firstly, the internal speakers are not producing any sounds. I do get sound out of the headphones or external amp when plugged in. I think it's possible the previous owner may have muted the speakers (since the handbook recommends it) however I cannot, for the life of me, find the setting to mute/unmute. According to the book it says the display for the setting is marked as SP_ but after scrolling through everything I can't seem to find it. I've already made a number of setting changes so I'm familiar with the process (holding set, the using stops 3&4, or 5&6 to scroll through the options) but I'm just not seeing it on the lists at all. If anyone can help with where this setting is it would be greatly appreciated, because I'd like to know for certain if there's a hardware issue or not before I would open it up/find someone else to repair.

My second issue is one I alluded to earlier, the accordion is not taking any power from the DC power supply. This isn't a terrible problem, because the batteries can power it fine, but they are super inconvenient. Charging them takes forever, slipping in and out 10 AAs is a hassle, they don't seem to last more than 2-ish hours in the accordion, and lastly based on prior experience with rechargeable batteries - they don't have a long lifespan. I wouldn't be surprised if this DC charging issue is a hardware problem, but on the off chance it could be software (if that's even possible) what could be done? Should note that it's definitely not the power chords themselves - plugged them into a digital piano and it was able to power up.

Still really glad I made my purchase, but any help with either of these issues will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
this is a known hardware issue.. on the FR3 the DC power
input jack is not robust, neither is it's mount. Also, it is
complex as it has a hidden switch inside it

if you can order a replacement part that would be best, otherwise
you will need someone to inspect and figure out the circuit and
craft a way to remove and replace it

the 3 audio jacks are all complex, with internal switching..
For instance, when headphones are plugged in an internal
switch disables the speakers. Sometimes these internal
switches fail or get stuck, so you need to test, figure the
circuits out, put in new jacks, something like that

as far as a speaker mute, the only way i ever knew anyone
to deliberately mute them was with a dummy plug so that
only their PA system was heard.. i never saw a software mute

do the internal speakers "pop" when you turn the thing on ?
do they hiss at all ?
or are they dead as in dead silent ?

and doncha know some FR3 models did not have speakers
in them at all, like the FR5..
You should find the SW SP setting between the APO and the OLA settings...
But I see that it should be automatically reset at Power Off. (see attachment)
So your problem should be elsewhere. :-(


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