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Second hand Scandalli for sale in New Zealand details request

Jan 20, 2025
Reaction score
New Zealand
Hi there,

This is my first post so apologies in advance. I'm looking at purchasing a second hand Scandalli but I need information about the manufacture date, model, etc. The listing can be found here:

Looking at the photos the serial number looks to be something like V 153 / 6. Does anyone know how the serial number format works? According to the seller the accordion is apparently 10 - 15 years old but my accordion teacher says it looks like it is from the 1960s. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If I have missed anything please let me know. Thanks very much and have a great day.

the person listing this accordion knows nothing about them,
and based his entire ad on the looks..
lots of ancient dried up old accordions look like new on the outside..
only idiots claim they are new or like new just because they are shiny.

you have to resist getting excited from things like this, and keep
your cool.. if you can go examine it first fine, otherwise be patient.

it does seem that compared to Australia, there are few accordions
floating around New Zealand, even for fixing up, so you may be
better off watching the legit music dealers inventory rather than
pay too much for some overpriced auction no-return no warranty

and you could make some friends on here.. many of our Members have
more accordions than they need !

what kind of accordion do you have now ?
G'day Craig, I've been watching Trade Me accordion listings for a couple of years, at least. It's very instructive to look at the 'expired listings', which show how very, very few accordions actually sell. I've got to be careful not to libel anyone, but my earnest advice to you is to be very careful about anyone who lists several accordions, glowingly described as 'untouched' or in 'perfect condition', at high prices, and refuses refunds or returns, and doesn't know the age of the boxes he sells. Also, you would hope a reputable 'dealer' has a near-100% positive review record. Be careful, be patient. There's a steady trickle of boxes listed on TM. Most are undoubtedly junk, some could be rebuilt (but it wouldn't make economic sense, and where do you find a repairer in NZ?), and it's even possible that a small percentage may actually be playable... Again, be careful! Good luck.
Buying an accordion from such an on-line marketplace is hit or miss, and more frequently miss than hit.
You also need to learn how to read and understand the language used un such ads.
The term "as good as new" means "most notes actually produce some sound" and "requires a bit of tlc" means "this is a complete wreck, not worth trying to restore"... And when the seller is an accordion dealer, used accordions being sold more often than not are in the exact state they were traded-in. Do not expect that the accordion has been serviced in any way...
Some sellers offer a warranty, but will only sell to someone requiring shipping far enough that they won't come back to get warranty service...
Hi all,

Thanks very much for the responses. I'll definitely take your advice and leave it for now. I've only properly been learning/playing for just under one year so currently I'm using my mum's old accordion which she used to play when I was a kid. Its an Excelcior model 303 (80 bass) that was made in the early 1960s (maybe 1950s depending on whether my grandad bought it brand new). The keys are slightly narrower than the full size keys. I'm also a piano player so I sometimes hit the wrong keys when going between the piano and accordion.

The accordion association I belong seem to prefer Titano accordions (that's what most people have in the accordion orchestra) but I prefer the sound of my mum's accordion. I could be biased though since that is what I grew up with. So any recommendations on recent accordions would be greatly appreciated. If you need more information let me know. Thanks again for the replies. Its greatly appreciated.

Trust your own ears!!.
Excelsiors of this vintage were good accordions.
Perhaps get it serviced and use it
Guessing, I'd suggest Titanos are popular here, especially in the local association's orchestra (I'm near Chch) because their Pacific region distributor operates out of Auckland. He also repairs and services accordions, although I'm not sure how active he is now. So Titanos would have been easily available here, and a safe purchase. I'm impressed by the quality of manufacture of a couple of Victoria-made examples that I've been able to investigate. Not my favourite sound either, although I probably haven't heard 'better' examples, nor performances of music for which they're best suited. And massed (Titano) accordions is clearly a taste which I have yet to acquire...
Hi KiwiSqueezer. I'm actually in Christchurch so I know what you are talking about. Some music videos I've heard online testing more modern accordions I prefer the sound of the full size Excelsiors or Scandallis. But I'm not sure if they are considered good instruments now. My music teacher mentioned LibertyBellows as source to buy accordions which I've been checking out. 'll probably get banned from the association for this but I'm not a big fan of the sound of the Titanos. For me I think it could be to do with the overtones in the notes. In my opinion, Titanos have a purer sound with less overtones so they sound thinner so they fit together better in a group. The Excelsiors and Scandallis (in my opinion) have more overtones so they sound fuller but probably don't fit well in a group.

However, I could be wrong about that. I'm also a brass player so it's like trying to decide between a Besson Sovreign vs a Yamaha Neo. It's all down to personal preference.

So, I guess what would be a good modern Accordion brand to look into? Are the modern Excelsiors still considered good instruments (including US made), or would another brand be better to look into? I'm assuming most places might be able to import to New Zealand. Thanks very much for the replies. Its greatly appreciated.
Hi there,

This is my first post so apologies in advance. I'm looking at purchasing a second hand Scandalli but I need information about the manufacture date, model, etc. The listing can be found here:

Looking at the photos the serial number looks to be something like V 153 / 6. Does anyone know how the serial number format works? According to the seller the accordion is apparently 10 - 15 years old but my accordion teacher says it looks like it is from the 1960s. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If I have missed anything please let me know. Thanks very much and have a great day.

Hi Craig,
I realise that I am a little late seeing this, but I am someone who did buy an accordion from that trader and, as a complete beginner in all things accordion related, I ended up paying far too much money for a Hohner Pirola that arrived essentially unprotected in an uncared for, completely unplayable, unrestored condition and is basically worthless. I will eventually restore it myself and will learn lots from the experience, both in terms of practical skills and also to be a little less trusting when it comes to buying things online! Unfortunately whole fiasco co-coincided with my mother dying, so I did not manage to posting a complaint on that good gentleman's Trademe site. On the positive side of things, I am delighted to hear that you are learning the accordion, and I see that you are getting some excellent advice from members of this forum. I am still trying to work out what accordion sound I warm to, it really is a personal thing, and I do enjoy listening to accordion sound samples online. I enjoy browsing through accordions on the Liberty Bellows site (and have bought a number of accordion spare parts from them that I am very happy with), you might also enjoy having a look at accordiongallery.com there are good sound samples of some really lovely instruments there, and listening to them my help you in your search for a particular sound or make of instrument.
I'm from the Dunedin area, so do sympathise about difficulties buying an accordion, due to lack of supply!
Craig, presumably you know about accordion House in Takapuna, Auck. I don't know whether Maurice Jones is still active there, but he is/was agent for Pigini as well as Titano. Possible to try and buy? Not many alternatives here, are there?

Is your accordion teacher Merle or Heather, or ...? I'm not a member of the Association, but know Merle a little, and know she has a selection of boxes I'm sure she would be happy for you to try.