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Silvio soprani 8511


Aug 21, 2023
Reaction score
Girlfriend acquired this accordion from a thrift shop awhile ago. We can’t seem to find anything online about the particular model so I was wondering if anyone here more experienced in accordions has any idea of it’s value and where we could find more information on it? The only markings that are on it is the name Silvio soprani, DBC and on the bottom it says made in Italy and under that the numbers 85117AD8879F-4D21-49F9-BB0A-C2F9E16C4731.jpeg6981FA63-3AC9-4B2F-B55C-595C70E5D0B3.jpeg
Looks like a 1950s instrument that has 3 sets of treble reeds in an LMM configuration, but without all the registers to give all desirable combinations of those reeds. Based on that it likely has student quality reeds. Its value is dependent on condition of interior parts which can not be assessed from the pictures. An accordion shop that has invested a good amount of bench time and parts returning a similar instrument to original performance may ask 700$ or more but as a private seller selling in as found condition with no warranty or assurance of condition should expect significantly less. Many used accordions haven’t been properly stored or maintained and the cost to repair them exceeds their value after the repair.

The DBC was probably the original owners initials.