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Sonata 72 bass/34 keys, the bellow take of the frame

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Feb 17, 2022
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Montreal, Canada
my friend bellow as take of the frame(No holes in the bellow, just the glue as failed and the frame look in good condition too). Look like a cheap manifacture to my begginner eyes.

I've read about what kind of glue i should use. I've seen that you can use rabbit hide glue. I want to be sure that i use the good glue because i want it to last! Am I in the right direction ?

Here's the best info and picture i can find on the internet, saddly i don't have the accordion here so i cannot take better picture for now.

An other question, it's the first time i see some reedblocks not made of wood, but of plastic. i'm curious if anyone can give me is opinion on that!

Thank you very much ! :)

i have the accordion with me. so the frame is in plastic and the bellow cartboard.

can anybody tell me if im wrong with the rabbit skin glue ?

thank you

Hi Bag,

Most people like the "accordionrevival.com" website for advice on accordion repairs. It recommends Elmer's white wood glue on this page:

Here is the glue:

I don't know if rabbit skin glue is just as good. It's probably ok, but I think it might get brittle over time. Others on here may chime in too. Goid luck!
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thank you tom ! the bellow is almost ready to received the glue! i will buy some glue today and i will try this probably tonight.

i will let you know how it went !

Thank you :)
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Elmers works fine on wood frames but results on plastic frames may be underwhelming. This is why I refrained from answering yesterday as I don’t know of a better alternative.
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and do you have any opinion on which one is the safest for the cartboard ?
Perhaps you could experiment on a very small section? Or on another piece of plastic to cardboard? I think if the glue sticks them together you should be ok. Personally, I would try the Elmer's first.
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