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source for professional musicians

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Mar 18, 2019
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I have recently returned to the accordion after about 26 years hiatus, lol. I am trying to sharpen my music playing and have gone through my old stuff, including the Palmer-Hughes books and any competition music I had. What next? How to find out what the pros are playing. I heard some samples from the Petosa site and wonder where the heck do they get that sheet music from? 

Is there a source that is recommended for the advanced player?

debra pid=64865 dateline=1555746514 said:
Here is a great resource of music a lot of which is at professional level: https://www.goldaccordion.com/noti/
Dont despair if you cannot play everything immediately. The 26 year hiatus may have something to do with that...

What a find! Quite by accident rather than by design I got a superb version of Hava Nagila from there in C. Its normally in D or E.
Is there an English version of the site?
debra pid=64865 dateline=1555746514 said:
Here is a great resource of music a lot of which is at professional level: https://www.goldaccordion.com/noti/
Dont despair if you cannot play everything immediately. The 26 year hiatus may have something to do with that...
Not sure what my search engine is doing, but when I click on your link I get a pdf manuals site in Greek!
Eddy Yates pid=64884 dateline=1555790742 said:
debra pid=64865 dateline=1555746514 said:
Here is a great resource of music a lot of which is at professional level: https://www.goldaccordion.com/noti/
Dont despair if you cannot play everything immediately. The 26 year hiatus may have something to do with that...
Not sure what my search engine is doing, but when I click on your link I get a pdf manuals site in Greek!

You may have a problem with your browser (some infection?) because the site, despite its English name, is a Russian archive of accordion sheet music.
Type the URL into the browser location bar. That may help. If not, try another browser and have your computer checked for malware.
Check (with nslookup) that the site name translates to the IP The name server you are using may also have a problem...
I can't get English either. It's accordion-related Greek. But it's all Greek to me.

Correction: Russian. I am getting Russian there. I'm running it through Google Translate and getting a readable if ham-fisted rendition into English.

However, clicking on "music archive" gives me tons of alphabetized titles, but clicking on a title gives me nothing, no sheet music.
OuijaBoard said:
I can't get English either.  It's accordion-related Greek.  But it's all Greek to me.

Correction: Russian.  I am getting Russian there.

Yes it is Russian. But music notation is universal. When you download sheet music you should be able to read that without any problems. (Playing it is of course a different matter as some of it is quite difficult... but hey, the OP asked for "professional".)
De bra- I downloaded a piece from Art Van Damme and this level seems perfect! I can read Russian music and will try some out tomorrow. Hopefully this should keep me busy for a while...Thanks so much!
debra pid=64865 dateline=1555746514 said:
Here is a great resource of music a lot of which is at professional level: https://www.goldaccordion.com/noti/
Dont despair if you cannot play everything immediately. The 26 year hiatus may have something to do with that...

I dont know about a 26 year hiatus, but at around 35 years, I know that I will *never* be as technically proficient as I was during my conservatory days and I sincerely think that even if I did 12 hours a day 7 days a week for 10 years could I ever reach that pinnacle again, age and physical differences between a near 60-year old vs a 25 year old are differences that are not easily overcome.

That said, it doesnt mean that an older person cannot play to any standard, because there are many out there that do, it just means that we have to set realistic expectations about our abilities.
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