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Sticky Bass Strap

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Nov 21, 2017
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Saratoga, NY
I just replaced my old acoustic with a used excalibur 37/96 - 7/4 - 3/4. I am very happy with it...except for the bass strap. It is padded with leather on both sides. The top of my hand sticks to the leather making it hard move. Should I just replace it with one with cloth on the inside? Or is there something that is safe to rub on it to make it less sticky?
AdamJoseph post_id=63844 time=1540919993 user_id=2614 said:
I just replaced my old acoustic with a used excalibur 37/96 - 7/4 - 3/4. I am very happy with it...except for the bass strap. It is padded with leather on both sides. The top of my hand sticks to the leather making it hard move. Should I just replace it with one with cloth on the inside? Or is there something that is safe to rub on it to make it less sticky?

There are indeed bass straps with velour on the side where your hand is and those are really comfortable to use. But what you can also do is to wear a thin glove without fingers. It will slide easily and essentially is a substitute for the cloth that could be on the strap. Yet another thing you could do is to wrap a cloth around the bass strap (but that is hard to make esthetically pleasing.
Keep in mind that while replacing the bass strap can be easy you should check the inside of the accordion because on some accordions it is essentially impossible to replace the bass strap without disassembling most or all of the bass mechanism. (I had one like that and it is a serious job. I was fortunate to do this in the accordion repair course in Castelfidardo. It was still just as much work but there was supervision and help in case I messed up, which I didnt.)
I had the same problem but solved in the way Paul suggests. I cut off the foot of an old cotton sports sock and put the bit above the ankle over my wrist and a little way over my hand. It works a treat. I tried the same thing with a hospital support stocking but it didn't slide as well as the sock.
This issue comes up periodically and there is at least one old thread posting a variety of solutions.
I advocated constructing a sleeve of strong cloth, (velvet works really well!), stiffened with a layer of felt, which can be slipped over the existing bass strap. (The details of construction are given in the earlier thread)
Four of my accordions are equipped this way, are a pleasure to use, and look neat!
how about cleaning it first?

Leather should not stick much out of itself, only when dirty or sweaty hands. Maybe it's too tight as well
Corsaire post_id=63850 time=1540923159 user_id=2107 said:
I had the same problem but solved in the way Paul suggests. I cut off the foot of an old cotton sports sock and put the bit above the ankle over my wrist and a little way over my hand. It works a treat. I tried the same thing with a hospital support stocking but it didnt slide as well as the sock.

I have seen one professional use this method, Grayson Masefield.
He was at the International Accordion Convention in Las Vegas and when asked about the glove he uses he said he has a pair of them, since they are simply dress socks that he cuts a thumb hole in the heel and then decides how much of the end to cut off.
I'm pleased to hear a professional uses a sock - I must be moving up in the world !!!
My problem was my left hand getting hot and sticking to the side of the accordion rather than the strap itself. But a sock really is the business. I haven't cut a hole for the thumb as the sock doesn't really move once in place. However, I might see if it makes a difference.
If you happen to have an old martial arts rash guard t-shirt, you can make your own.
I had my mom make mine, and I love it. Its super thin, VERY slippery and since this material is made to soak up and evaporate perspiration, my hand remains not only totally dry but 100% cool as well. It takes about 15 minutes to make one. :)

The pics here:


The story here:

I have a new set now all in black, as my uncle liked them so much so I gave my grey ones to him and my mom made me 2 more. Though both look good, I like the black more, matches the accordion better. :)
On an additional note, a glove solves not only the "stickiness" of the bass strap but also the issue that the hand might not slide very well over the bass end-plate. You can clean the plate but it hand on plate will not slide as well as glove on plate.
That said, replacing the bass strap with a new felted one need not be an expensive job if it can be done without removing the bass mechanism. A new high-quality bass strap with felt and all the fittings together will just set you back about 15 euro when bought at Carini (in Castelfidardo) for instance.
I can’t help thinking all these gloves on the left hand may give the impression of a roomful of RSI patients with prosthetics, not very complimentary for the accordion image, which is bad enough in the community at large
Dingo40 post_id=64048 time=1541470356 user_id=2622 said:
I can’t help thinking all these gloves on the left hand may give the impression of a roomful of RSI patients with prosthetics, not very complimentary for the accordion image, which is bad enough in the community at large
:lol: Yes, I thought the same thing when I saw a photo of myself ! Perhaps bettter to use a flesh coloured sock. It doesnt need to be very long as for me its just the palm and wrist that risk sticking.
lol... I use very long ones as I need the forearm to slip in to the bass strap area when playing Free Bass. Because the 3 extra rows are above the Stradella bass, if I had a short glove, it would run on uncovered parts of my arm. Of course standard bass only people could literally cut the size/length in half.

Also by pulling back the part that goes on top of the top part of the hand a little, when playing, it becomes almost invisible.

The material that I use is so slippery that for the first few long bass jumps that I do, I overshoot by 2-3 rows, so for 6-7 row jumps take the same effort as a 3 row jump using the glove... it is THAT effective. :)
Saw someone today beating the sticking bass strap problem by having it fitted with a slip-on sleeve made of sheepskin (furry side out). Works well!<EMOJI seq="1f642">?</EMOJI><EMOJI seq="1f44d">?</EMOJI>
That's a funnier image than looking like you are wearing prosthetics... you now suffer from uber hairy white arms... lol
JerryPH post_id=65304 time=1546010520 user_id=1475 said:
Thats a funnier image than looking like you are wearing prosthetics... you now suffer from uber hairy white arms... lol
LOL!<EMOJI seq=1f602>?</EMOJI><EMOJI seq=1f44d>?</EMOJI>
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