I want to share this drinking song with you. Though its played on the harmonium, but that is very close to the accordion so it may fit here as well
Swedish lyrics:
Jag är så ledsen jag fånt nå brännvin
Jag tror jag slutar upp med alltihop
Men får jag brännvin så ska jag spela
Så skulle ni få dansa allihop
English translation:
Im so sad, I dont get any spirits
I think I will quit with everything
But if I got spirits, I would play
And all of you could dance
Swedish lyrics:
Jag är så ledsen jag fånt nå brännvin
Jag tror jag slutar upp med alltihop
Men får jag brännvin så ska jag spela
Så skulle ni få dansa allihop
English translation:
Im so sad, I dont get any spirits
I think I will quit with everything
But if I got spirits, I would play
And all of you could dance