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That's Amore .....yeah I know ,I know..last one ...

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Prolific poster
May 1, 2013
Reaction score

This is the latest and last one.........final attempt at this....I promise........

Threw away the rule book and just did it my way ..........a bit more Tarantula than Tarrentella and definitely not Dean Martin .....but heck its me !
Good one, Jarvo! Still on my list.....
I'll be back when I have a listen via IE, as Google Chrome on my machine still wont play your (many peoples) tracks on soundcloud... although it will play the occasional one.. :?

Ok Last time for this, too...
(cue music) {} When you swim in the creek and an eel bites your cheek.... that's a Moray.
Even though my generation may associate this with Moonstruck, it actually was sung in the 1953 film The Caddy. Go figure. Anyone seen that one? I have not.
neither caddy or moonstruck rings a bell

will have to research it a bit

this was a song I was going to learn next but my friend thought it would be a bit tricky for me and suggested other options 1st ..... :cry:
I saw the movie The Caddy when I was 7 years old. Try here --http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2nsD5G6crU
That's a fake band!
umm... don't take this the wrong way gents, but stop trampling on my post thread ... :lol:

It may not be virtuoso performance...but hey ...give it a fighting chance :lol:

But seriously, thanks to those who have listened and commented :tup: :b
Hey Jarvo, sorry if you misunderstood my post here, I've already said you did good! I meant that the band Jim referred to in the Caddy movie was fake..... You rock!
No ...it's fine Tom ...I just get amused at how these forums/threads take on a life of their own and a conversation breaks out over and above the original topic....almost like real life eh? :lol:

As I said above , I appreciate the feedback there has been ......no problemo...
I had to give this one a bump.
So, Jarvo, what does the future hold for this tune?
Will it fit on the Roland? - Mantovani strings or a tenor sax perhaps? Acoustic bass on the left hand?
On a more serious note, are you (still) using the sheet music and would you aim to play it without as a finished project?
Hi Dunlusting,

I don't use the sheet music for it anymore...and I have left out the tricky jump to Eb ..this is my version of it....and it was done on the Roland...

As I said I threw the rule book away and I play it pretty much as I feel it at the time...hence it is not strictly properly played ....just me having fun...next stage ? ...maybe a finger picked ukulele or mandolin improv over the top ....... then it will really sound Jarvo 'd !

I'm never going to be a virtuoso accordionist ...just some chap who "plays" around with accordions because I love the sounds they make ...not necessarily the sounds that I make them make ...but heyho .....as Inspector "Dirty Harry" Callaghan says "A man has to know his limitations".


Cheers and thanks for asking.....
You are always worth reading
My favourite?
"I love accordions but I don't think I like accordion music" (That was you?)
I know what you mean.
The thing about this forum: You can say that and nobody gets upset.
dunlustin said:
You are always worth reading
My favourite?
I love accordions but I dont think I like accordion music (That was you?)
I know what you mean.
The thing about this forum: You can say that and nobody gets upset.

The Defendant is Guilty as charged....

Take him down. Strap him into a Gaudy Accordion and prod him with a stick until he plays The Compost Eater.
I stand with the Jarv, only playing what I want for the fun of it, although I do enjoy entertaining for those that like what I do, and I appreciate Jarv's playing and unique brand of humor. However, I like accordion music and always find something new on youtube to listen to.
Just to be clear about my statement...."I love accordions but I don't think I like accordion music"I

I like the unusual and different when played on the squeezebox....and Tom I do like a lot of the Italian music I have been hearing just lately...

but not all would have been written for Accordion....just written or handed down...in I have been trying to pick out The Wedding Tarrentella on varying instruments ever since hearing it in The Godfather and on the Soundtrack album of that title.....

But a lot of music that some like I find not to my taste and prefer to try out tunes that do not " fit " either the perceived norms and purviews........so not so keen on the Valse d'Emilies , Indifferences , Tangoes , Shandisms and other to me slightly "typical".tunes........I am not dismissing , rubbishing them , or suggesting that they are not well written tuneful melodies....they just do not float my boat.........in fact they actually grate :hb .......and I would normally have no wish to try them......I have in fact stepped out of my comfort zone and tried some of these ....especially for TotM..

(who can hear without a shudder the Travesty that is Tristesse as performed by me......)

Some of these tunes have pushed me in a new direction , some have just given me the arse-ache :? ......

So when I say I do not like Accordion music ....I do not like all the perceived main stream tunes.....and you guys , mostly ,won't like my choices ....and that's fine....c'est la vie and vivre la difference.....

consider me and some few others the token and possibly equivalently aged teenagers......and no we won't turn that racket down in the bedroom :b :ch

Finally , I suppose it is also redundant to say I don't like accordion music in a way , 'cos as soon as you pick it up and play it ...that's what you're making....... {} {} {} {}
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