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The Beatles "In My Life" solo instrumental

Man, I am not gonna lie. I have all your YouTube accordion covers saved and listen to them on occasion. I like the timbre of your instrument, and The songs you choose.
Is your instrument stradella bass or single notes on the left side? C griff? Sorry for the obvious questions.

I am new to the accordion. I have a bayan that is b griff and stradella on the left side with some really deep bass notes. I am really enjoying how deep it sounds but am taking small steps toward working out songs by ear.
Left side is a Darwin system—a combination of single notes and indeterminate “chords” of root and fifth (no thirds), which you can combine in fun ways. It can also do two octaves of single notes by pulling out the silver knob on the top. I like stradella too, but prefer the light weight maneuverability and flexibility I get on this system.