I always knew there was something extra special about the piano accordion.
An undeniably handsome and uncluttered design that exudes elegance and, I guess, shares the classic keyboard looks with the other centuries old keyboard instruments. Of course, the piano accordion has a different angle on music, thanks to it's vertical and not horizontal keyboard playing position. A stroke of genius? Undoubtedly, and I guess we have Leonardo da Vinci to thank for the piano accordion design... 
This last video is quite marvellous and shows the ancient accordion design in duet. The accordion by Leonardo Da Vinci built by Mario Buonoconto from a sketch written in the Atlantic Codex. The accordion is played by its owner, Denis Biasin, accompanied by cello (Riccardo Pes).

This last video is quite marvellous and shows the ancient accordion design in duet. The accordion by Leonardo Da Vinci built by Mario Buonoconto from a sketch written in the Atlantic Codex. The accordion is played by its owner, Denis Biasin, accompanied by cello (Riccardo Pes).
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