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Tony Bennett dies at 96😐

Truly one of the greats of our times. My wife and I were fortunate enough to see him in person about 5-6 times. An excellent entertainer and an outstanding jazz singer ! May he rest in peace !
Lucky to catch him a couple of times in concert.

"The Tony Bennett/Bill Evans Album" is probably my favorite Tony Bennett album, and among my top Bill Evans albums too. That combo was just magical.
Hello all! I had a call today about this photo. It was taken at the Marshall Savings and Loan in Riverside, Illinois in 1963. It shows a young Tony Bennett playing with a trio at the bank's party. Any idea who is playing the Imperial accordion?

tony b.jpg
Joseph A. β€œVito" Vitaterna

I could be wrong, any others have ideas?
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No prob! I'm from WI. Meaning to get down there some day...
Chicagoan, played with Johnny Frigo and Jerry Cigler.