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Tuning scheme?


May 20, 2023
Reaction score
New London, CT

I’m tuning an A/D diatonic Hohner. I understand how to get the tremolo and how cents relate to the beats per second of the tremelo.

I’ve started a spreadsheet with the tremelo calculations, but it’s a lot of by guessing, based off the graph and cheat sheet posted on accordion revival. And if you’ve looked at that four-line graph, with mild, American, mussette, you’ll notice it’s … pretty hard to get accurate bps from.

Does anyone have a spreadsheet they’ve made which works well for tremolo tuning? American or Hohner style - either one would suffice tbh

Edit: Ahhh never mind - I’ll be using the “hot rod a Hohner” spreadsheet. It’s got 3 flavors on there, with notes and cents listed. Easy day

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Would you mind sharing the hot rod spreadsheet? I'm interested to see what's in it.

There's two dimensions to wet tuning. Amount of de-tuning in general (usually measured at A=440) and the "taper" - i.e. the rate of beat frequency increase from lower octaves to higher.
Would you mind sharing the hot rod spreadsheet? I'm interested to see what's in it.

There's two dimensions to wet tuning. Amount of de-tuning in general (usually measured at A=440) and the "taper" - i.e. the rate of beat frequency increase from lower octaves to higher.

The chart represents the sharp offset, in cents, compared to the concert tuned note.

The lower notes (C3, being lowest) require more offset than the higher notes (C6)

Hohner has a stronger mussette than the Castag.