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Universal Detroit Finto

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Nov 13, 2021
Reaction score
North Carolina, US
Hey all, new member here.
I thought I would post a picture of my most recent project. Unsure of the year, I expect late 1940's? It is a B Griff, Lmmm. The black keys repeat the middle row.
What I have done so far:
Replaced loose leathers, and made a temporary bellows gasket, cleaned a couple reeds, and still working on cleaning the outside of it gently.

Its super well built(lots of Mahogany) and clearly was some ones main instrument for many years. I cant find much information about Universal Detroit. I can submit some more photos if this piques any interest.

Welcome ??
I love the look of your Universal Detroit finto accordion. There are one or two finto players on the web.?
Here's a rather ancient example ( but there are more recent ones)

Notably, this guy:

"The instrument Alf uses is a 1950's Bengt's, built by Dragspelstjänst Stockholm. It has a three row chromatic treble side in 3 voices, and a six row Stradella system on the bass side - in 5 voices."
Yet another finto exponent ?

"Some critics consider Leon Sash (1922 - 1979) the greatest jazz accordionist who ever lived. Blind at the age of 8 yrs., he became a legend in his own time being the first jazz accordionist to appear at the Newport Jazz Festival in 1957. He garnered national and world recognition in the jazz world during the latter 50's and 60's for creativity despite the fact that his instrument was the accordion. Recordings of his performances are very rare."
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