Every manufacturer used their own imagination to invent names for registers. The result is that names are pretty meaningless. To make matters worse, manufacturers also used their imagination to come up with "nice looking" dot patterns for things like L, M, H... so even when you see a pattern that clearly indicates MMH of instance it can actually be MMM. I have a Crucianelli that is LMMM (and never was anything but LMMM) and it uses register markings that look like that of an LMMH accordion...
So what you need to know is learn which register button opens which sliders, thus activating which reed bank, and memorize it so that you can ignore what the register button says. On my Russian bayan I have 8 chin switches which are all nice evenly black buttons (accordion buttons actually) without any marking on them. Had to look at a chart a few times during the first week, never again after that.
About the posted picture, I would not be surprised if the registers were from left to right: L, LM, LMM, MM, M. Never mind what's written on the switches.