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Update on my cataract story...

I asked because there are various types of IOLs. Monofocal, multifocal, EDOF, accommodative, etc. In Italy with the NHS, no charge, they only use monofocals and the waiting time is 2 to 3 months. Privately by paying (1500/2000 Euro per eye) you can have EDOFs or multifocals. In perspective the most interesting are definitely the accommodative ones although at the moment they are not always indicated and they are not the best but they are, in my opinion, the future.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
I asked because there are various types of IOLs. Monofocal, multifocal, EDOF, accommodative, etc.
I managed to read a little regarding iols and I think I probably have monofocal distance ones in both eyes, requiring "reading glasses " for close work" under 90cm distance.
Personally, I'm happy with that.
So far (allowing for the possibility of a "secondary cataract "), everything appears to be going very well.
I'm only in my fourth post operative day, have no pain or discomfort, no visual disturbances (flare, glare, bright light sensitivity, eyestrain, etc), excellent colour vision, perfect acuity from about 90cm to infinity, reliable distance estimation, and subjectively perfect printed matter acuity from about 25 to 90 cm with the help of a pair of +2 power $16-00 reading glasses off the counter from the chemist.
It's far more than I could have hoped for already!πŸ˜„
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Nice to read of successes here.

I’m going to piggyback onto your thread Dingo to relate that I just had eye surgery (strabismus) for both eyes two days ago to correct advancing double vision. Too early to say that it was a total success, but seems to be so.

An inherited trait from my mother’s side. Now I can tackle cataract surgery and I’ll be fixed up.
Congratulations! My husband had his done about a year ago. All I can remember is he is seeing better now than before. Most people are happy with the results. And that lasering, my husband had to have that done on one of his eyes- it's quite common, and nothing to worry about. All the best.

Meanwhile, I had to stop playing accordion because I started back too soon, and one of my elbows (the left of course) is still healing. The right is completely healed, but I have pain on that side because apparently I partially tore a ligament. It's going to be about another two months for me! πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
We need a 'Cataract Polka'!! Can anyone oblige?

There is already a Cataract Rag, from 1914: sheet music at IMSLP and several youtube versions, including this piano roll issued only a few years after the composition:

I don't imagine it'd be too much harder to arrange for accordion than most other rags. I took a stab at Scott Joplin's "Cascades" a while back. (Cascades was allegedly written to memorialize an artificial waterfall at the St. Louis World's Fair. Cataract Rag is about the waterfall not the eye condition too, of course.)
Just in case anyone else may be facing this milestone, here's an update on my personal cataract story ;
A while ago I mentioned I'd had a cataract removed.
I've now had the second one removed and
had my post operative consultation (re cataracts) today; excellent results (both eyes). Discharged as cured!πŸ™‚
(Still have a course of eye drops to complete.)
Have made appointment with optometrist for reading glasses for late next month.
Everything is in perfect focus from about a metre out to infinity. I can even read the print in the newspapers and on my iPhone
and sheet music, as long as I keep them at arm's length, but I'll be getting reading glasses anyway.πŸ™‚
In the meantime, I've got some +2 cheap reading glasses from the chemist: they work very well.
I'll even be able to drive without wearing glasses, again!
All In all, the results feel quite miraculous!❀️
Sounds like my experience several years ago. After several years the lenses are still inplace. I had to change my driver's license as it stated I needed glasses to drive and that had to be removed since I didn't need them anymore.
I had to change my driver's license as it stated I needed glasses to drive and that had to be remove
A great result George!
I too have had to have my driver's licence changed back to not requiring glasses for driving: the new version arrived by mail yesterday.
I've been to the optometrist and my new reading glasses should arrive in the next few days.
In order to not have to constantly put them on and take them off again, I've had a set of "graduates" made up that can left on full time (just like I had before the cataracts arose). They are a rimless pair exactly like the ones I'm wearing in my avatar picture.
Looking forward to their arrival!πŸ™‚
Final comments!πŸ™‚
My new specs arrived Wednesday and all is at least as good as hoped for!πŸ‘πŸ˜„
At last, I can clearly see my sheet music on the stand again, distinguish the letters C from G, read the very smallest font on my iPhone and read the print of the crossword puzzle in the daily paper, not to mention the minuscule font size the ingredients lists on food containers are printed: hallelujah !πŸ™‚
(It's taken since Christmas Eve last year to get to this point!)
I deliberately had them made so I could have them on full time: for near and far vision, so as not to need constant putting on and off. So far, this is working well for me.
All good!πŸ™‚
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