What, Supita not good enough to do a repair for folks these days

@Mito44 Several options here.
1) If the wear is not too bad, just ignore it.
2) Install a larger diameter axle. This is the usual response to a worn key axle hole.
If the axle is housed in a wooden comb, you can do the following:
- get the new rod (stainless steel preferred) that's larger than original;
- hammer one of the ends on an anvil to flatten it very slightly - we're talking 0.1mm larger than the rod diameter.
- file a spear point on it. Now you have an improvised reamer with the cutting head 0.1mm wider than the new axle.
- Chuck the other end in a hand drill, wax the rod and ream out the existing comb holes for the larger axle. The existing holes help guide the spear point and keep it perfectly on track.
- Ream out the key holes. You can do it on a pillar drill with a reamer of the right diameter (you can get HSS machine reamers in 0.1mm steps from china for about $5 a piece), but the result might not be very precise in the end. Alternatively, ream them one key at a time straight in the keyboard. hold them tightly in place in the comb, insert the axle reamer into the comb and ream out this way.
- Cut off the spear point, cut the axle to size.
3) Try to find plastic inserts in the right size (both OD and ID) and replace the worn ones, or, maybe, buy some PTFE rod with correct OD, drill out the old plastic out of the wooden keys, install the PTFE and then drill & ream. PTFE can be glued into wood with CA glue as long as you file some notches on its sides for the CA to flow in there, harden and form an excellent bond.
Nicely machined brass bushings would be ideal, but there's a lot of problems with this approach. Precise engineering costs money. A lot of it. Getting a set of custom-made bushings will be very expensive. More importantly, you cannot guarantee that you will press them in the wooden keys perfectly, Even a small off-axle variance in bushing placement will make your keys rub against each other or against the comb! So you can get the world's best engineers to make you the bushings, but if you can't fit them with sufficient tolerance, they are useless. If you replace the bushings with PTFE and ream then in place in the comb, it should give you better results, but it's quite an advanced repair!
Option 1 is preferable.
Option 3 is the most complex to execute and only relevant if you have good tools & know how to use them. Unless you have a lot of time to practice this on sacrificial squeezeboxes, I recommend avoiding it.
Option 2 is hard, but with a bit of practice (get some old worthless box from the tip) can be done, especially if you keep the increase in axle diameter to the minimum. Can you get away by installing an axle that's just 0.2mm bigger? The result won't be 100%, but it should be playable.
E.g. If original axle is 2.0mm, get an axle that's 2.2mm, expand the spear point to 2.3mm, do all the reaming (Beware of the axle overheating when it's rotating in a wooden comb!!! You can do some serious damage here, especially if you haven't done this before!)
Only if the keyboard is worn completely beyond playable, I'd consider options 2 & 3. If worn keys are a minor inconvenience, don't fix what ain't completely broken.