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Who played accordion onstage at Woodstock Music and Arts?


Apr 1, 2021
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Maryland, USA
This evening, the Washington, DC public television outlet (WETA-Metro) is showing a documentary on Bethesda, MD's WHFS-FM radio station. In 1969, Josh Brooks of their staff recorded backstage interviews of several performers at Woodstock, including Cosby, Stills, Nash, and Young. During the film clip, there was a quick, distorted still shot with someone (Neil Young?) playing accordion. I'm searching Google images without much luck.

I appreciate any other clues, photos, or anecdotes you might share with an answer to the question above.
Thanks in advance!
I sure doesn't help that there's a "Woodstock" brand kid's accordion that floods the search results. :-(
Thanks for checking, Jeff!
That the brand exists makes me wonder if the toy company intended to attract customers who remember 1969! (Which circles back on the saw that if you remember something from the era, you're too young or too old to have been there.) ;)
While in college in Kentucky I heard the buzz about Woodstock but didn't go. I do remember the year well.

Shortly after the Woodstock event I did make it to Washington DC for the Nov 1969 War Moratorium march. (My brother was stationed in Vietnam at the time.) I went for the journalism, shot 11 rolls of B&W film, and when back at school (Berea College) I camped out in my darkroom to create a photo essay to display at the school. Since I was the yearbook photographer, I put a spread of photos in the yearbook that year, including one photo of a dorm neighbor who was drafted but didn't come back.

Any other "old" people here go to DC in Nov '69?

It was mind boggling. A massive number of people (over 1/2 million), most college age, all I saw were behaving peacefully. But tear gas was used a couple of times along the march route for no reason I could see. (When there was tear gas some smart people started a loud chant "WALK, WALK, WALK..." to keep people from running in panic and trampling others.

I saw some kind of officers with rifles on every rooftop along the march route but the riots they were afraid of never happened. (Big surprise: the "official" news reports got a lot wrong about the whole event!) I heard there was some kind of confrontation at Dupont Circle that night but I was elsewhere and didn't witness that.

A highlight was a solemn but unique memorial service for soldiers who had died.

There was fun too - nearly continuous music at a stage at the Washington Monument. I remember a few performers: Peter, Paul and Mary, John Denver, Pete Seeger, Arlo Guthrie. but therer were many more. I tape recorded Flat & Scruggs with a battery-operated recorder in my backpack and a microphone taped to my sleeve. There were also imprompu music performances elsewhere on the Mall all.

I don't remember seeing any accordions there...

a bit of a long shot... how many bands with an accordion player were there at Woodstock? Of one I am sure, The Band with multi instrumentalist Garth Hudson.

If I had to guess, that would be my bet too.

Note that Wikipedia has a detailed article on everyone who played and what songs they performed. No accordion players are specifically listed, so if one was played, it would probably have been a keyboard player doubling on it.

But I guess it does answer the post title's question of "Who played accordion onstage at Woodstock Music and Arts?". The Who *was* onstage, but none of their members are listed as playing accordion. :)