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Working on the new San Antonio Rose


Been here for ages!
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May 1, 2013
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I’m working on those tricky chromatic fingerings for San Antonio Rose which I’m desiring to play next Tuesday. Anyone else out there play much Bob Wills/Texas Swing?

Here's the sheet I have, not sure where I got it, and I haven't arranged it yet. Might be a good one for us to do Jerry!


ahhhhh ha San Tone

my memory of the ideal arrangement came from Waylon Jennings..

waaaaaay back the Carter family hosted a regular social
at a big ol' meeting hall up in their woods.. before it was lost to
Modern times, a few evenings were recorded there for special events..
occasionally they are still shown and i suppose someone might find
them somewhere..

one of the specials had Waylon Jennings in there, and they gave him
center stage for Rose of San Antonio, and it was the hands down best
i ever heard it done.. he was a tall drink of water back then and
played it on his fiddle.. it burned into my head and that is the way
i have strived to follow whenever i take a crack at it

great song.. it still is a favorite for a lot of good folk
Unless you want me to crack a few monitors I am NOT singing, Tom! :) :) :)
Yeah why not do this at a bit of a later time, my life is upside down and likely to be that way until around early August.
Unless you want me to crack a few monitors I am NOT singing, Tom! :) :) :)
Yeah why not do this at a bit of a later time, my life is upside down and likely to be that way until around early August.
🤣🤣🤣 You don’t have to sing!!! We could do it as a duet like we did Moon River. More like October for me anyway. Summer is crazy time for me in general, more so with trying to keep my set fresh at the 10 farmers markets. It’ll take me at least 10 hours just to get this song down. Sad but true, don’t ever get old! Good luck with everything!