Does anyone happen to know how the cassotto foundation block (the one with the hook to lock the accordion closed) comes out- or if it is even supposed to without major surgery?
I need to get the slides in the base completely out to work on them and even after pulling the two reed blocks there just doesn't seem to be room to get at the slides. If I could pull the whole foundation block up and out - after removing the reed blocks of course- it would be pretty straightforward. I am concerned that if I remove the row of screws under the strip along the top edge of the foundation block and lift it up that the pallets et al are going to go whacko (technical term) and make it impossible to reassemble without pulling and then resetting all the keys which on a double cassotto model may be something I'm reluctant to cope with.
It's a Morino VI M PA.
I need to get the slides in the base completely out to work on them and even after pulling the two reed blocks there just doesn't seem to be room to get at the slides. If I could pull the whole foundation block up and out - after removing the reed blocks of course- it would be pretty straightforward. I am concerned that if I remove the row of screws under the strip along the top edge of the foundation block and lift it up that the pallets et al are going to go whacko (technical term) and make it impossible to reassemble without pulling and then resetting all the keys which on a double cassotto model may be something I'm reluctant to cope with.
It's a Morino VI M PA.