Thanks Joseph for sharing your lovely music with us and congratulations on the new accordion. A
Hohner Morino IV 120 C bayan, no less - nice!
But what's in a name?
I guess that over the years there have been many terms for accordions that conveyed something about their tone, purpose, construction or specification etc. I really liked the old term "organtone" that Dallape used to describe their classical/liturgical instruments, back in the day. They were really nice accordions, usually with double-octave tuning and cassotto, giving a classical Italian tone and with extra kudos by association to church organs (the king of instruments dontcha know) and sacred music.
Seems to me the term "bayan" or especially "cathedral bayan" kinda does something similar too, with the additional free bass association. Okay, for the purist it's a bit of a stretch to really consider Italian or other western accordions that have the word "bayan" in their name, to actually be Russian button accordions (bayans), but hey, accordion's aren't
really church organs either

, and anyway words like "organtone", "bayan" or "cathedral bayan", well... they just sound really cool.