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Music For Advent 2024


Dec 19, 2021
Reaction score
The Highlands, Scotland.
Today marks the first day of Advent, and I wanted to share some music with you, that I thought was rather lovely.

"O Come, O Come Emmanuel" is performed on a free reed instrument akin to the accordion, known as the Hayden Duet concertina. Should I ever take up learning the concertina, my choice would be a "HD" concertina.

I have been reading that this carol has ancient roots, originally written in Latin and derived from the "O Antiphons" dating back over 1200 years.


The second day of Advent has arrived, and I'm fond of this lively, brisk version of The Sussex Carol, also known as "On Christmas Night All Christians Sing," performed on the melodeon. The Sussex Carol was initially published by Bishop Luke Wadding in a collection titled "Small Garland of Pious and Godly Songs" in 1684. It was subsequently revived and arranged by Cecil Sharp and Ralph Vaughan Williams.

As I open the door on this dark December morning to welcome in the third day of Advent, I am greeted by a cold and stark rural landscape, evoking thoughts of 'The Holly and the Ivy.'

The carol, though not particularly old, had an early mention in 1823, and its lyrics draw from medieval connections between holly and Christmas.

I particularly enjoy this rendition of the carol. Its simplicity and unadorned quality gives it a rustic resonance. This performance aligns well with concertina and melodeon carols in the earlier posts, and there's a certain beauty in such a significant tale being conveyed through the modest accordion. Indeed, what could be more appropriate? After all, this is the story of the King of Kings, whose blessed mother bore him in a stable.

As I open the door on this dark December morning to welcome in the third day of Advent, I am greeted by a cold and stark rural landscape, evoking thoughts of 'The Holly and the Ivy.'

The carol, though not particularly old, had an early mention in 1823, and its lyrics draw from medieval connections between holly and Christmas.

I particularly enjoy this rendition of the carol. Its simplicity and unadorned quality gives it a rustic resonance. This performance aligns well with concertina and melodeon carols in the earlier posts, and there's a certain beauty in such a significant tale being conveyed through the modest accordion. Indeed, what could be more appropriate? After all, this is the story of the King of Kings, whose blessed mother bore him in a stable.

Interesting, with notes of the 12 Days. Cool series Walker, keep ‘em coming!
While walking early on this fourth day of Advent, the sky was dark with stars still brightly shining. The lyrics of 'O Holy Night,' also known as 'Cantique de Noël,' echoed in my mind. This carol originated from the 1847 poem 'Minuit, chrétiens' by Placide Cappeau.

As I continued my walk, I reflected on how the true essence of a carol unfolds when its lyrics are sung, and 'O Holy Night' becomes truly epic with a great choir. Yet, there's much beauty in a simple instrumental version, which speaks of our yearning as musicians to contribute to this great story.

I find this rendition of the carol played on an antique harmonium (reed-organ) to be quite splendid. The harmonium, is like the great-uncle of the accordion, and possesses a marvellous and full tone.​

The fifth day of Advent is upon us. As the days grow increasingly bleak, the English poet Christina Georgina Rossetti offers more than just a glimmer of hope with her poem 'In The Bleak Midwinter,' first published in 1872. Accompanied by Gustav Holst's melody, her words shine brightly in these dark times.

While the full lyrics of this carol are indeed a treasure, this brief performance features only the first and last verses, delivered through the harmonious sounds of the double flageolet and concertina.​

On this sixth day of Advent, we reflect on an ancient ballad, particularly because it is quite an unusual piece. This ballad, also a carol, was likely popular in Britain, as evidenced by its inclusion in Francis Child's renowned collection 'The English and Scottish Popular Ballads,' published in five volumes from 1882 to 1898. Known as 'The Cherry Tree Carol,' this piece has been sung through the centuries, since medieval times. It narrates a fascinating story, though not one found in the established canon of Scripture, but possibly drawn from other 'apocryphal' sources. Indeed, the piece has lasted through the ages, perhaps due to its lovely melody and captivating lyrics.

Till tomorrow!​
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Interesting indeed! Thanks Walker.
On the seventh day, let's conclude the first week of Advent by contrasting yesterday's circa 1400 'The Cherry Tree Carol' a ballad and carol of English origin, of which the author is unknown, with a more recent American carol that is very well documented. 'O Little Town of Bethlehem,' written by Phillips Brooks in 1868, is presented here on chromatic button accordion. The melody written for the carol is 'St. Louis,' composed by Brooks' associate Lewis Redner, and it's a combination familiar to many Americans. However, the carol is also known to be sung to different tunes, such as the 'Forest Green' folk tune in Britain. There are other versions too. Initially, when I heard this rendition of the carol, I hardly recognised it due to the unfamiliar melody. Yet, with each listen the tune grows on me. It's really rather sweet.​

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There are not many Scottish carols and to stumble upon one is indeed a rarity. So on this 8th day of Advent, I'd like to share a carol more precious than gold. ‘Tàladh ar Slànaigheir’ ('The Lullaby of Our Saviour'), also known as ‘Tàladh Chrìosda’ ('Christ's Lullaby'), is traditionally sung in the Outer Hebrides during Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve.

The lyrics, all 29 Gaelic verses, written by Fr. Ranald Rankin from Fort William around 1855, emerged during a period marked by dreadful hardships, including the Highland Clearances and the Highland Potato Famine. Many of his parishioners, and later Fr. Rankin himself, emigrated to Australia, where he was the first pastor of St. Michael’s Church in Little River, Victoria.

I have read that originally the carol was paired with the melody ‘Cumha Mhic Arois’. It is also thought the tune may have been derived from the chorus of an old waulking song, ‘An cuala sibh mar dh'éirich dhòmhsa.’

This emotive carol takes the perspective of the Blessed Mother, Mary, singing to her son, Jesus.

There have been many versions of this carol sung over the years and so I have selected this pleasant interpretation that’s been rendered in English and performed by Foxglove Trio, whose lead vocalist is the Welsh singer, Ffion Mair. It makes for a lovely listen.

The accordion is often described as a compact, portable organ, and many accordionists frequently perform classical music composed for instruments such as the harmonium (reed organ) and pipe organ. Therefore, on this ninth day of Advent, it is my pleasure to share a rendition of the Basque folk carol 'The Angel Gabriel From Heaven Came,' sung and played on the organ. In my opinion, this performance is a very fine interpretation of a beautiful carol (originally rendered in English by S. Baring-Gould) that is accompanied by the tune 'Gabriel's Message.'

Today marks the 10th day of Advent, a perfect time to appreciate the German Advent hymn 'Es ist ein Ros Entsprungen', also known as 'Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming'. I have enjoyed numerous squeezebox renditions of this graceful piece, yet none compare to the accordion version arranged by our forum's very own Dak.

I highly recommend giving Dak's version a listen, which is shared in the following forum thread:

As you indulge in the beautiful strains of Dak's music, I'll be tuning in to some bluegrass tunes on the wireless while writing out my Christmas cards.

Till tomorrow!​
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This hymn was sung every Christmas time by the small congregation my parents and I attended many years ago.
Music has the power, if briefly, to bring the past into the present .
Dak's rendition is particularly powerful,
As the eleventh day of Advent takes us deeper into winter, it feels appropriate to share a carol from Ireland. The ancient land of Hibernia, resplendent like an emerald, stands as a testament to saints and scholars whose contributions to civilization have been nothing less than miraculous.

Here is the 7th-century Irish carol 'Don Oíche Úd i mBeithil' (I sing of that night in Bethlehem).

For those interested in exploring Ireland's role as a bastion of learning, Dan Snow's BBC series 'How The Celts Saved Britain' provides a fascinating look at how the Irish preserved Britain from 'cultural oblivion in the Dark Ages, as missionaries brought literacy and technology to Scotland and England.'
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