Ok, now I gotta try! Thanks so much for posting these lyrics Ventura…. Of course I am very familiar with this song and I know I’ve downloaded some sheet music but I never got around to figuring it out or arranging it. I’ve played it half a**ed by ear but I gotta concentrate.
Yesterday I was playing from sheet music of Reginella Campagnola, another in the same vein, deciding how I want to arrange it. I’m a gonna do Mezzo Mare next, nessun problema, don’tcha know. My daughter, she no marry the butcher’s boy, no, the accountant, he got a the pencil in his hand. Oh I miss my mamma’s baccalà with the spaghettini, prezzemolo, aglio e olio. Oh my my piscu frittu. (With apologies to Ric46 and all his friends.)