Hello everyone! I've just joined this forum and would like to introduce myself. I'm very new to the accordion and to music generally, so I know I've got a lot to learn! I've always admired the accordion because it has a special place in my family. My mother played the accordion in a marching band many many years ago, and her family who was originally from Slovakia had several players of squeezebox-type instruments. I still have my great-grandfather's concertina (though it's sadly not in playing condition). Recently I was able to acquire an old accordion of my own -- a third-hand little Frontalini 12-bass piano accordion from the 50s or 60s. It's got a sticky bass key and ample dust, so I'm in the process of fixing it up and -- hopefully! -- will then be able to learn to make music with it. I live in Arkansas, which is not known for its thriving accordion scene, so I will be doing most of my learning through online resources. I am very excited that this community exists and hope to connect with other folks who love the accordion as I do!