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2024 Forum Zooms 5 - 10. Starting March 1.

How long do the meetings normally last? I may be able to attend later in the meeting.
Seems about 2 hours. Hope you can make it!
Here's the Zoom link for today:

See you soon!

Topic: Accordion Forum Zoom Meeting
Time: Mar 29, 2024 01:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

It was a great meeting, thanks guys! See you April 12 for Zoom # 8.
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hey guys, I have to pick up people at the airport... our family from Europe, a last second thing tossed at me. I will try to make it but I am going to be late and likely not be able to stay very long... sincere apologies, I will do what I can!
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I am afraid that I will not be able to make it. My abode is still not quite where I need it to be to properly unpack the video equipment, and the acoustics are not yet appropriate as well (too much reverb).

Also I am not quite having the kind of free time and head to sensibly contribute. I'll do my best to be back in next time!
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I really enjoy these meetings but I have a standing business meeting at the same time (2pm EDT) every Friday.

I'll try to pop in for a minute to say hello.

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I really enjoy these meetings but I have a standing business meeting at the same time (2pm EDT) every Friday.

I'll try to pop in for a minute to say hello.

Hmmm, maybe we can adjust a little. Is there a better time on Friday for you Jeff?
Don’t see why not! Any input from anyone else?
Funnily it would be just the same as before for me since Germany switches to daylight saving time on March 31st.
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Don’t see why not! Any input from anyone else?
O.K. by me. Just let me know if you switch the time.

I got today's time mixed up. I tried at 1:00 EDT. All I got was the message:
Waiting for "Host" to sign in. After about 10 minutes, I checked your "Join Meeting" post and realized it was 2:00
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David A, Gordon?
A reminder that Zoom #8 will be tomorrow, April 12, 2024, an hour earlier at 1:00 pm Eastern Daylight time, 5:00 pm UTC, 6:00 pm British Summer Time. (Hope I got that right.)

Hope to see you all then! Just as a reminder, I am hosting 10 zooms before I go “back to work” for the summer. The zooms have been very interesting and informative, with “accordion talk” and an opportunity to share and play some tunes. We have had experts on video production and Roland sound design who are willing to share expertise, an opportunity that doesn’t come along every day. Plus me! 🤣🤣. Just sayin’.

I’ll post the unique link here…..
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Here is the link for today's zoom, April 12, 2024, 5:00 pm UTC, 6:00 pm BST, 1:00 pm EDT:

Topic: Accordion Forum Zoom Meeting
Time: Apr 12, 2024 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

It was a good zoom with 6 participants. Thanks everyone, it was real fun!

Zoom #9 will be Friday, April 7, 2024, same time, 5:00 pm UTC, 6:00 BST, 1:00 EDT.

Hope to see you!!!!
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Totally missed a good session... tons of craziness in my life, but some good stuff. I'll post about the good stuff in another thread.
Zoom #9 will be Friday, April 7, 2024, same time, 5:00 pm UTC, 6:00 BST, 1:00 EDT.

Hi Tom,
What date did you actually mean here? April 7 is of course in the past. I'd have been inclined to assume May 7, but that's not a Friday.
My level of "busy" has skyrocketed this month, but still hoping I find some time to make the next one.
Hi Tom,
What date did you actually mean here? April 7 is of course in the past. I'd have been inclined to assume May 7, but that's not a Friday.
My level of "busy" has skyrocketed this month, but still hoping I find some time to make the next one.
Omg, I clearly mistyped! Thank you. Zoom #9 will be Friday, April 26.