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21 Tunes in 21 Weeks Challenge, 2021

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Another tip, especially for people who (like me!) tend to have brain farts when it comes to certain spots in a song: Notice how often the different "parts" of a song come up, and adjust how you practice it so that you don't unduly neglect certain parts (like bridges, intros, interludes, and so on).

For example, Satin Doll has an AABA form. If all you did to practice the song was just play it from top to bottom, you'd wind up practicing the B section only one-third as much as the A sections. This is like going to the gym and doing three sets of dumbbell curls with your right arm, but then only one set with your left!

Lots of ways to fix this. You can run the B section a few times by itself. Or practice the song starting with the B section. Or play it ABABAB...
Or claim 'aah man that's the bridge, thats where the musicians are allowed a break from the tune.' and then just try and wing it.... ?
i need to practice Satin Doll as is because when i go on Autopilot
for jazzing it up i'm not going to waste my limited brainpower counting
measures... autopilot keeps me landing me on the changes just right

but if i was practicing it in some different way, i would have to think

trust me, you don't want me to think when i am playing
On to week 2. I still have a couple in my giant memorized repertoire of 10 that I haven't completely switched over to chording positions, so I will work on that. Plus I decided to buy a used concertina (chemnitzer) and the first song in its method book is Du, Du Liegst Mir Im Herzen, a good old "old time" music fave, so might as well make it my week 2 goal....
Chemnitzer concertinas are so cool. I'm looking forward to it.
I am doing another Carlo Venturi tune this week. Via Libera.
Chemnitzer concertinas are so cool. I'm looking forward to it.
I am doing another Carlo Venturi tune this week. Via Libera.
Thanks Nick! Yeah, it's a challenge, seems like I need longer fingers, and I'm spoiled by the responsiveness of my new cordeens. The concertina needs some work.....
I'm still working on this week's entry. I may make a quick video of the progress even though it's not quite there yet.

For next week, I wanted to try something a bit different. I wanted to do a polka tune. It's still from the Bologna region, but I realized that all the tunes that I have in my set are in 3/4. It's something that I already worked on in the past, but I figure that I still need time to get the first 2 gig ready, and I didn't want to start from scratch on a new tune.
I'm still working on this week's entry. I may make a quick video of the progress even though it's not quite there yet.

For next week, I wanted to try something a bit different. I wanted to do a polka tune. It's still from the Bologna region, but I realized that all the tunes that I have in my set are in 3/4. It's something that I already worked on in the past, but I figure that I still need time to get the first 2 gig ready, and I didn't want to start from scratch on a new tune.
Good luck, you can do it! What's the Bolognese polka?
It's called La Bersagliera.

I am thinking that I will get the filuzzi set up to an hour of music, then I might rework my Neapolitan song set on the CBA. Or, if I can find a songbook of Calabrian or Sicilian songs, I can work on the Tour of Italy project that I've had in my head for a while. The problem is finding enough charts to get a whole set. I may have to start transposing, which is probably a good idea anyway.
It's called La Bersagliera.

I am thinking that I will get the filuzzi set up to an hour of music, then I might rework my Neapolitan song set on the CBA. Or, if I can find a songbook of Calabrian or Sicilian songs, I can work on the Tour of Italy project that I've had in my head for a while. The problem is finding enough charts to get a whole set. I may have to start transposing, which is probably a good idea anyway.

Cool tune(s), thanks. I'm sure you can find plenty of charts for Calabrian and Sicilian. I pretty much make my own arrangements for tunes I want to learn, I can notate pretty quickly using ABC notation which allows transposition.
OK Tom...I think I figured out the "Rules" so you can count me in. No excuse, I'm retired so have the time, also between fake books and sheet music I have around 1,000 tunes to chose from, I should be able to come up with 21 new songs. I have so many I put some up for sale on eBay...Pietro Frosini, Pietro Deiro, Frank Gaviani, assorted Polka. I owe you 1 song for week 1.
OK Tom...I think I figured out the "Rules" so you can count me in. No excuse, I'm retired so have the time, also between fake books and sheet music I have around 1,000 tunes to chose from, I should be able to come up with 21 new songs. I have so many I put some up for sale on eBay...Pietro Frosini, Pietro Deiro, Frank Gaviani, assorted Polka. I owe you 1 song for week 1.
Thanks and good to see you here, George!

It's on to week 3 and the "rules" are pretty basic, learn (or bring up to speed) one new tune each week, to add to your "repertoire" (not necessarily perfection, but good enough to play in front of people, with music or not). I enjoy it when people post their new tune, but it is not required!
On to week 4. Now to keep the previous 3 fresh. They should improve (beyond the initial recording) through multiple playing. Still long road to hoe. I'll probably do a few more polkas that I need to add. Beer Barrel for sure, as it's required anytime I show up. I've recorded and may have posted it here but need to "chord" and memorize it. Good luck everyone!!!!
I'll probably do a few more polkas that I need to add. Beer Barrel for sure, as it's required anytime I show up. I've recorded and may have posted it here but need to "chord" and memorize it.
I started working on Beer Barrel too! Essential repertoire for Midwestern accordionists and I’ve been inspired by the versions you, jerry and George posted last year.
I started working on Beer Barrel too! Essential repertoire for Midwestern accordionists and I’ve been inspired by the versions you, jerry and George posted last year.
Cool! Yeah, Jerry and George's version are good! Let's do it!
I also bought a concertina last December but I haven’t touched it yet. I had to do a lot of reading to figure out the different types of concertinas there are because I think the method book you buy has to match your instrument. I settled on an English which I got for a decent price at the Button Box store. I used to visit the concertina forum but I haven’t really started practising yet. My place is full of instruments,waiting to learn to be played,especially the accordion.
At first I thought it would be impossible for me to achieve 21 songs in 21 weeks. But I just looked back at my YouTube channel (videos at https://www.youtube.com/user/pdebra/videos) I actually did manage 21 songs in the past 21 weeks (there are 23 videos but 2 of them are abridged versions of another one in the list).
So yeah it appears possible even when it requires making arrangements, recording on average 5 tracks per song, and mixing everything on the computer...
All of this was made possible by not having as many accordion repairs as usual (probably due to people not playing in their orchestras because of Covid).
I'm not making any promises for the coming 21 weeks though...
At first I thought it would be impossible for me to achieve 21 songs in 21 weeks. But I just looked back at my YouTube channel (videos at https://www.youtube.com/user/pdebra/videos) I actually did manage 21 songs in the past 21 weeks (there are 23 videos but 2 of them are abridged versions of another one in the list).
So yeah it appears possible even when it requires making arrangements, recording on average 5 tracks per song, and mixing everything on the computer...
All of this was made possible by not having as many accordion repairs as usual (probably due to people not playing in their orchestras because of Covid).
I'm not making any promises for the coming 21 weeks though...
Knew you could do it Paul, congrats!!!
How are the 21 songs doing? Were you able to retain them? So, on a recent zoom with one of our esteemed colleagues (Thanks!!!) I was asked how many songs I could play from memory. Remembering the work I put into the 21 song challenge, I sat down this morning and played 11 songs from memory. Story of my life. So, back to the drawing board. Trying to set these 11 as a base and adding to them once more. How many times must I do this? Who's that guy that keeps rolling the ball up the hill?
Off the top of my head I can remember 3 :oops:, admittedly my aim was just to be able to play 21 tunes in 21 weeks, but it would have been worth keeping at least 10 of them.

I can remember Sisyphus though, maybe I should write a monotonous tune about him :LOL:
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During the challenge, I didn't hit 21 tunes...maybe 10. Of those, I can probably play through 3 or 4 without stopping. However, afterwards, I kept adding tunes and my set is up to about 7 or 8 that are (almost) gig ready and another 5 or 6 that I can play through, but need to be polished.
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