Glenn said:
This thread appears to be in a confused state as to what question is being asked.
There appear to be 2 intermingled questions, namely
1. What bass chords and rhythm do I play when I only have the notation for the melody?
2. What notation is best suited for defining the bass notes to play?
what question are we answering at the moment, or have I missed the plank completely?
It has gotten a bit murky in here, thats for sure.
The question in principle, and I think the interesting one in principle, was more or less the first. But Ive been concentrating on the bass notes and leaving the rhythm for another day, as I think to a certain level the rhythm is more or less obvious, and past that theres nothing to be done but consult an authoritative source. For an ABC melody, if its meant to be 6/8, youll know, and with some natural assumptions youll know what to do with it.
On the notes, there have been two somewhat conflicting propositions:
- yes, you can use some principles to construct a bass part
- no - you can come up with various entertaining alternative bass parts, but theres no reliable way to get the one you want, without some extra information -- ideally, the chords for the tune presented somewhere else, or at least a thorough acquaintance with the genre.
Then we took up a specific tune and tried our hands at guessing a bass part. Or we tried to, but ran into trouble communicating our ideas about this, hence the notation discussion. That has by now drifted so far from the point that hopefully it will recede into some invisible dimension.
We didnt really get a very broad sample of ideas about the example tune. In particular, apparently nothing generated by principle, either manually or using something like Finale. My own results were ambiguous - I have played a fair amount of traditional music of the British Isles, and I got fairly close to our authoritative reference, to my ear anyway; but I havent played Scottish music at all, nor did I nail it - differed from the authoritative version on a few chords, enough that I think my attempt would be regarded as erroneous by anyone who cared. Make of that what you will. For me, it confirms my suspicion that given a chordless melody, it behooves you to look for some credible source for the chords. On the other hand, if theres nothing to be done about it and you have no reason to care about correctness ... it might be possible, as Jim D mentioned, to describe some principles that would get you something musically valid.