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Accordion Tula A-1 from Russia


Well-known member
Feb 14, 2023
Reaction score
USA, Ilinois
Hello dear accordion community,

today I would like to share with you an accordion that I found while browsing the catalog of Tulskaya Garmond instruments, a factory of several instruments from Russian, including accordions and bayans.

What would be your thoughts for the A-1 model played in the demo video below?

It has 4/5 set of reeds 13 registers on the right side and 3/5 sets of reeds and 6 register on the left side. It is supposed to be a student model. They are asking around 2.2k$ in Rubles.

It seems nice for a brand new accordion with those features. ( You could even request to add bayan reeds instead, if these are Italian made).

That will be everything for this post.

Thanks for your time and consideration.


I don't know about their large instruments but I bought a Tulskaya garmon a few years ago and the quality of the construction and reeds are quite good. Now, things with Russia aren't what they used to be, it must be nearly impossible to import anything or send money there at the moment!


  • Tulskayia 2.jpg
    Tulskayia 2.jpg
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Before the war Tulas looked like quite good value for money. I think they sound as good as say a newish Weltmeister does.
The 40% import duty (which may not end until some years after the war ends), along with the big price jumps the last two years, makes them less appealing now.