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Accordionist wanted ads

  • Thread starter Thread starter Meanderthal
  • Start date Start date
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Hello, all.

I'm putting a band together and I'm in need of an accordionist.

I can't find an accordionists wanted section on this site, so I'm wondering:

1. Is it okay to post an accordionist wanted advert on this forum ? (I thought I'd politely inquire first of all, as some forums can get quite tetchy with newcomers who indulge in practices that are considered to be not quite the done thing).

2. If it is okay, would the Accordion Chat section be the best place to post the advert ?
Hi there, welcome!
Not sure about the ad, but the first thing I did was look at where you were from, which is missing. Since this is an international board with members from everywhere, you may need to let us know where you are located, either via your profile or in the post.

Now... I hope you're somewhere close to Montreal, Quebec Canada... lol
I see no reason why an "Accordionist wanted" add couldn't be posted here on the forum . As Jerry says however, a little more info would be nice. Accordion chat sounds like a good place. New aim of the forum is to bring musicians together so help in forming a band goes in the right direction in my humble opinion.
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