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Agat Bayan

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Thanks Walker, I like the sound of the bayan very much, and I think it is more suitable for the kind of music I want to play.
Since almost all bayans are B griff, and I happen to have another B griff instrument (which is being restored now), the choice was rather obvious.
The C griff I played until now is a rented instrument.
So this is going to be my new study instrument.
After 4 months of playing a C-system, I think I can still switch to B-system and bass on the lower side.
Really looking forward to it !
I hope the bayan turns out to be fine. You never know with such old bayans. I have seen some that were fine and I have seen some that were a disaster inside, despite still sounding ok. I hope you had a good look inside before deciding on the purchase, looking for the state the leathers are in, the potential rust on the reeds, etc.
I trust Oleg on the state of the Bayan.
You can trust Oleg as a bayan player. As a vendor he is just like any other vendor: he will claim that he only sells instruments that are well maintained, revised, tuned, etc. Everyone who sells an accordion will say that and in most cases none of it is actually done or even checked by the vendor. Caveat emptor always applies.
"As a vendor he is just like any other vendor"
Well, if that's true then I'm a Dutchman!
That's good news! Now, hopefully it plays well too! It's always hard to predict what the internal state of an old accordion/bayan is. The cosmetically gorgeous outside doesn't mean anything for what's on the inside. Best of luck with your new baby!
I plays well :) I had a look inside with Oleg yesterday, and it looks nice and clean, leathers ok, and since he is my teacher, he is always willing to help if a problem should occur.
Sounds good. Oleg must be learning about maintenance I guess. In the past I had to help him out a few times. I did encourage him to learn more about repair because he wanted to start selling more accordions and you cannot really become an accordion dealer without learning how to repair them.
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