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Another World Record.

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Well done to you.
I'm not teetotal at all but I've never had a pint in Rose Street. A bit expensive. My last visit there we had our lunch in the Kenilworth if I remember right.
Hi BP,

The purpose of our attachment was confidential, and our duties allowed us a great deal of freedom to explore Edinburgh and its environs dressed in Mufti. To my eternal shame, I bought a tartan cap while I was there. Whether or not the tartan cap helped or hindered me to blend in is debatable, but it was certainly a low point in my otherwise impeccable wardrobe selection.

I found that the whole of Edinburgh was expensive ............ beautiful as it is, it can only be seen as a machine to separate visitors from their money.

Kind Regards,

If you think it was expensive then I think you would get a severe shock with it today. However I don't suppose it's so far out of step with other major UK cities. Hang on to your tartan cap; it'll come back into fashion!
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Hi BP,

You are quite right, of course. All cities and towns which attract tourists are geared up to exploit their more naive visitors, and even the wearing of a tartan cap in Edinburgh offers no protection against such exploitation.

As for the aforementioned cap, I have absolutely no idea where it got to. (though I suspect that my wife may know something about its fate ...... they usually do.)

Kind Regards,

You have no idea where you got your tartan cap? You've probably been lucky because usually these things are obtained in situations where alcohol is involved but more often than not they involve tattoos!! Have you checked all locations?
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