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Antique La Tosca


Nov 26, 2023
Reaction score
Ft Myers Florida
I recently obtained a 48 bass accordion with the name on it: Alberto Lizzi La Tosca, and its original case. All key and bass notes play, and it's in overall good shape for a really old instrument. Can anybody tell me anything about when this might have been made and a rough idea of what it could be worth?
Can anyone help me identify where and when this accordion was made?


  • La Tosca in case.JPG
    La Tosca in case.JPG
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  • La Tosca.JPG
    La Tosca.JPG
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  • LaTosca bass side.JPG
    LaTosca bass side.JPG
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  • La Tosca signature.JPG
    La Tosca signature.JPG
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  • La Tosca back side.JPG
    La Tosca back side.JPG
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Welcome, Pehilton!🙂
Lovely old accordion.
It looks 1930s made.
The name sounds Italian.
48 basses.
You can have a lot of entertainment with this, especially playing folk music.
There's a 12 bass of about the same vintage listed here:
(The ad claims it was made in Germany)
Here's a previous thread on a like topic:
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As with all accordions, the devil is in the detail, ie. the interior. Re. the treble keyboard: When new, most makers set the key hights at the same level as the keyboard end frames. It is noted that the top C and the bottom G stand well proud of the end frames. This indicates that the key pallet leather/felts need attention. It is also noted that the bellows protective tape shows some wear and also that the worn parts are on the front of the accordion. Worn tape normally occurs only on the rear or bottom of the bellows as a result of being rubbed against the players clothing etc. This indicates that at some time the bellows have been removed and reversed, perhaps inadvertently.