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Anyone create .BI3 files?

J. Eduardo

Jan 15, 2024
Reaction score
Oregon USA
I am interested in installing a sound set that includes a bajo sexto for chords in the left hand of my FR-1xb. Does anyone know how to create a BI3 file from a virtual instrument library? I was able to install the musette sounds from Nijkamp accordions, and I assume that they created them from scratch. Thanks for any guidance anyone can offer!
You cannot Install new sounds from anywhere except soun expansions from Roland but you can manipulate them and .ake your own SETS or UPGs using those sounds.
Thanks for your reply, Jerry. I appreciate your videos on YouTube and my new year's resolution to get myself using MIDI with some of the information you have shared.

I guess I am confused. If you make your own user sets, those files have .ST3 extension. If you make your own user programs, those files have a .UP1 extension. As I understand it, these are the things that folks like Richard Noel and Dale Matthews sell.

When I downloaded the Roland orchestra expansion, it comes with a .bi3 file as well as a series of .st3 files. The .bi3 file is what the manual describes as the file with the new sounds. When I purchased the "Best of Musette" sound set from Nijkamp Accordions, it came with a .bi3 file an .ST3. That suggested to me that Nijkamp was making sound sets sampling classic accordions. They use the term "sound set", but then later "patches." Am I understanding that wrong? Does the Roland generate sounds from scratch, manipulate samples, or both?
It is my guess that the .bi3 file included in the musette sounds from Nijkamp accordions is a copy of one that Roland already provides. The Nijkamp user sets are probably dependent on this file, so they include a copy of it. You could confirm this if you can do a binary compare of the Nijkamp .bi3 file to the ones that Roland provides for the FR-1x.
Nijkamp provides the .bin files with their sound sets (UPG banks or SETs). This is to make sure these sound sets work as intended. These bin files can also be downloaded from the Roland support sites. Those are basically the same files.
There was a person here that used the Nijkamp files... they froze his accordion AND they are not editable from what I saw. Files from others like Mathis and Noel are all editable. Ventura, if I recall correctly, had a look at one of them and saw what the "error" was.