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Autumn Leaves🙂

My favorite version is the "arrangement" by Viktor Novikov, called "French Ballad".
And my favorite solo performance of that is by Alexander Skliarov:

It's weird to see the same model accordion as mine in the intro to these videos, it's not even a 'real' bayan!
It's weird to see the same model accordion as mine in the intro to these videos, it's not even a 'real' bayan!
Yeah,... and in the video he is playing the same model accordion (bayan) as mine, only his is B system and mine is C system and it is absolutely impossible to play this piece on a C-system accordion. (I tried...there is just no way you can reach some of the notes and chords.)
I can't keep up with these guys, but humbly submit my version recorded Jan 2020. The lyrics and music have an emotional depth which I try to keep in mind. (sorry about the TV in the background..I should redo it.)
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