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Back from the accordion museum!

And it was the C-griff which had the 3 white/1 black per octave buttons only in the middle 3rd column, as it seems in the pictures this grand beauty has. (As an aside, I prefer to call the vertical rows “columns”, and only the diagonal rows “rows” to help differentiate between them and avoid any potential confusion.)

So wouldn’t that make this a C-griff in the right hand? I just checked again with several B and C-griff pictures and that still seems to be the case. What am I missing? Or was it the left-hand bass side that was B-griff? Please excuse my impertinence, but my curiosity has driven me to try and understand this.
That was my first impression, that if the left hand was an MIII C-Griff Free bass, the right hand should also be. The thing is I am comfortable with the left hand MIII C-Griff free bass, I own a couple of accordions that have this, so applying the same logic, but mirrored I *should* have been able to do a simple chromatic scale following the patterns on the right hand buttons, but instead what came out was a jumble of "what the heck is this" and there was NO C note on the bottom row of the right hand (easy to find on the stradella and confirmed on the MIII too). Now I did not fool around with it a long time, MAYBE 5 minutes as it was a museum piece and had no straps... so after coming home I looked at the layout of a B-system and I am pretty sure that this is what was coming out on the right hand side. :). No the buttons did not match the pattern!

And yes, please post a video of the Beltuna!
It is done... please check HERE. :)
Jerry, yes that is surprising but now I see how it might have happened. And maybe it was confusing enough that someone thought they should “fix” the buttons (except they didn’t).

And your video is sweet! Thanks. I’m quite new to squeezeboxes but now I’ve just added Beltuna to my fav list.