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baterry roland fr4x

there are switching type wall wart PS now outputting 2 amps, and lightweight,
while the biggest heaviest transformer ones topped out at about 1 amp
and could melt the plastic cover under some circumstances
I actually have an analog one that is 1.5 amp, It is a heavy monster. Came off a surplus medical machine and is very well regulated with no RFI issues like many of the switching ones. Speaking of RFI, the worst of the switching supplies I found was the one that came with my WIFI router. I was getting interference on my HAM radio on the other side of the house and tracked it down to the WIFI router. I replaced it with a good one and returned it to the internet company. They said no one ever complained before and replaced it with an older one that had been removed from an obsolete router. It worked ok. I also found that my next door neighbor had the same model wall wart on his router and it had the same issue. I asked him to complain to the internet company, He did, and his power supply was replaced and the interference from his house went away too. Well most of it anyway. He has an outdoor spotlight in his backyard that causes static in my radio whenever it switches on.
I agree! I bought a set because of their high claimed capacity. They did not perform as well as the EBL or Tenergy.

I use EBL 2800mAh AAs for my busking amp and have found them very good. It's 30W and they manage a couple of hours of playing.