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Borsini SuperStar


Jun 29, 2023
Reaction score
Bună...sunt nou în cânt la acordeon. Îi salut pe toți iubitorii acestui instrument. Vreau sa cumpar un instrument si daca ma poate ajuta cineva cu acest model super star borsini. Vreau mai multe detalii. Proprietarul acestui instrument spune că valorează între 16.000 și 18.000 de noi. Pretul la care este de vanzare este de 7600IMG-20230705-WA0003.jpg
Google translate says:

"Hi...I'm new to accordion playing. Greetings to all lovers of this instrument. I want to buy an instrument and if anyone can help me with this super star borsini model. I want more details. The owner of this instrument says it is worth between 16,000 and 18,000 new. The price at which it is for sale is 7600"
If the numbers refer to Euro then the owner is exaggerating quite a bit. Of course the Borsini factory closed down a long time ago already, so any price for a new Borsini is guesswork. This is a very nice 4/5 double cassotto accordion, so depending on its condition and age it can go for anywhere between 4000 and 6000 euro. It mostly depends on how keen a potential buyer is to have this instrument.
Another thing to consider is that Borsini accordions by default are tuned at 442Hz instead of the ISO standard of 440Hz.
MThanks...appreciate your reply and help. The other reason for this price of 7600 euros ...says the owner of the accordion is that it is built entirely of cherry wood
Your Bosini is a model that was imported here with the brand name Modern, and Borsini ,

If you find one for the right price -- under$3.000.00 -- I'll buy it myself.
When looking for prices , look up also "Modern" Accordion.

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