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Breathing New Life into My 80 Bass Scandalli (part one)

Mar 28, 2024
Reaction score
Dunedin New Zealand
This post is rather long so I have had to break it up into at least two parts. I suggest putting the kettle on and having a cuppa about half way through if you get that far! I thought it was about time I did a follow up to the post that I did about the damaged and unplayable 80 bass Scandalli accordion that I acquired back in May of 2024. A link to my earlier post about the Scandalli

The job of restoring the Scandalli was an adventure that took a few hours a day for 3 or 4 weeks. I had not done anything like this before, and was very new to playing accordions, having only begun that earlier in the year.

The little 12 bass Scandalli that I made my first accordion noises on, needed new valves, as evidenced by the clatter and flap of curled leather when ever low note were attempted, so my restoration of the 80 bass Scandalli really begun with opening up the 12 bass, taking out its reed blocks, removing the reeds, replacing the valves, and doing my first attempts at re-waxing.
waxing tool and bending irons
I made my own reed wax from 3 parts of beeswax, 1 part of pine resin and a few drops of linseed oil, and I made my own waxing tool after watching videos of Italian accordion makers waxing reeds with those half moon shaped tools that look rather like a modified cake slice. And yes I did go through the kitchen drawers to see if I could find something there that might work! In the end I flattened and reshaped an old paint scraper that was made out of heavy stainless steel, and had a simple wooden handle. Waxing reeds was terrifying at first, and my initial attempts were like the frenzied splashes of an abstract expressionist painter from the 1960s, but I learned a lot by being brave and giving it a try and I got better at it. I now enjoy the process and look forward to the delightful aroma of warm beeswax and pine resin that I heat up in an old electric crock pot.

With the 12 bass accordion back together again and working, it was time to have a serious look at the 80 bass Scandalli. When I acquired it, the instrument really was unplayable, with some notes not sounding in the treble, or groaning like an animal in pain. All the register switches were jammed, and when I popped the front cover off I could see that many of the pallets were in very poor condition owing to insect damage and, very strangely, what looked like an excess of heat that had distorted some of the pallets.
I realised that I would need to sort out the pallets before I could achieve a great deal, so I did a lot of searching online for replacements that would be suitable. Eventually I found that Wilson Music Services in Canada had a set of Hohner pallets that were in the“Discontinued and Hard to Find” section of their website, nice aluminium ones with red felt pads that were 49 x 13mm and just 1mm greater in length and width than the black plastic palettes on my Scandalli. I ordered them and hoped I could make them fit.
I removed all the treble keys, which was easy to do as each key was held in place by a small metal spring that could be unhooked from its attachment by using a little tool that Scandalli thoughtfully mounted in readiness just above the treble pallets. I attached a numbered sticky label to each of the keys and laid them out in order as I removed them so that I would have less difficulty sorting out the puzzle when I put them back together again. I gave all of the keys a good clean, and also got into all the nooks and crannies behind them with the vacuum cleaner and got rid of 60 years worth of dust! On close inspection of the keys I found some of them had fine metal fragments imbedded in them. I wondered if the instrument had been left open on a bench in a workshop near where someone was grinding metal or welding?
With treble keys removed, I took the opportunity to investigate the treble register selectors. It transpired that these were not working because the register slides had all jammed due to corroding and forming almost commercially exploitable quantities of aluminium oxide! The slides occupy a space between two sheets of metal like bacon sandwiched in between two slices of bread. Annoyingly I could find no way of separating the metal plates, but eventually got the register slides moving by inserting a small screwdriver into the narrow gap between the plates and gently levering away at this until I could get the slides to budge a tiny bit at a time. I hated having to use a screw driver in this manner, but it worked and eventually I was able to remove the slides and carefully clean them, before putting them in their slots again. It was a considerable relief to get them going again.

I removed the old pallets by carefully heating the metal arm that they were attached to with a soldering iron. All of them dropped off easily, and I was delighted to find that the rubber mounting on the replacement aluminium ones fitted snugly over the metal arms with no need to modify anything. There was just sufficient room for the new ones to fit without clashing together or bumping into things, but I did have to adjust all the key heights after fitting the pallets as the 4mm thick pads on the Hohner palettes were a bit different from the original thickness that varied from about 4.5 mm to a few that were only 1.5mm or so. Rather than do a bad job of bending key arms with pliers, I made some bending irons, that were similar to ones I saw online. I made mine from some half inch by one eighth brass strip that I obtained by the yard from a ship’s chandler. I knew that brass would be rigid enough, and it also had the merit of being easy for me to work and to soft solder. Whilst my brass bending irons were not the best looking ones out there, they did the job well, and there was something satisfying about making simple tools rather than buying them off the shelf.
Once the keys, pallets, treble sliders and adjustments to the key height had been completed I proceeded to removing reeds from reed blocks, cleaning the reeds and the reed block, replacing the valves, and waxing the reeds back in place. I did one treble block at a time, generally each one took a day and a half to do. In the afternoon of the second day I would install the reed block back in the accordion and then I had the pleasure of hearing that part of the accordion’s voice for the first time.


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Here is Part Two

One of the treble blocks was more of a challenge than the others because it had been damaged. I imagine that someone had opened the accordion to do some work on the inside of it and had dropped the treble end of it, complete with one reed block, and this and this had been the first part to make contact with the floor! Some reed plates had been loosened, and reed had fallen out, and the damaged end of the block had cracked and been pushed inward, and the lowest reed plate had a bend in it that had jammed one of the reeds.

I removed all the reeds from the block, then cleaned and repaired the wooden structure. There were several splits through the main wooden divider that runs like a spine through the middle of the block, and some of the smaller pieces of wood were split or loosened. I was able to glue and clamp everything and get it back to shape again. It was actually rather enjoyable to do and reminded me the happy times I had building balsa and tissue model aeroplanes when I was a lot younger!

The bent reed plate with its jammed reed was a three dimensional puzzle that I suspected would be beyond my ability to sort out, because the bend in the reed plate had caused put a twist in the slot with the stuck reed. It would have been preferable to be able to drill out the rivets, remove the reeds, straighten the reed plates, then put everything together again, but I had nothing available to make new rivets. So I gripped the rivets firmly with pliers and managed to twist them round so that the reeds moved with them like the hands on a clock. With reeds pointing outward I was then able to gain more access to the plate itself and carefully persuade it back to shape with a hammer, a small block of metal and a metal working vice. Once I had everything flat again and the twisted reed slot nice and straight, I rotated the rivets back so that the reeds were in the correct orientation once again, I then gave the rivet heads a few taps of the hammer to tighten them. After some careful lining up of the reeds with their slots I was amazed to find that I had a working pair of reeds!
The treble reeds were fairly free of corrosion, and after cleaning, replacing the valves with new ones and re-installing, they were relatively in tune.

Work on the bass end of the accordion commenced. The two main reed blocks were in good shape, and it was straight forward to clean, re-valve and re-wax the reeds. Corrosion had jammed the bass selectors and sliders, so I had to clean those of aluminium oxide. The area that required most care was the single horizontal row of high reeds. These were dirty and the reed plates and some reeds had visible corrosion. I overcame the temptation to just leave them alone, and removed them, cleaned them and replaced the valves, then did a lot of cleaning up of the block they were located on, and scraped as much old wax and aluminium corrosion as I could reach.
I had to work carefully as I did not want to introduce small particles of aluminium oxide into airways and places where they could become a source of blockages of reeds if allowed to blow around when the instrument was played. The vacuum cleaner became an essential tool! Waxing those reeds back in was a little nerve wracking and I used masking tape to protect leather gaskets and other vulnerable things that were located in easy dripping distance.
I did also remove the cover on the base of the accordion and have a look at the bass mechanism. I gave that dense jungle of metal parts a gentle clean with a soft brush, but did not feel the need to strip it down and do anything more elaborate as everything was working well.

Eventually, the job was complete. I treated the accordion to a set of new straps (belts), and it was ready to play!
The accordion still needs tuning for it to sound at its best, but it is rather lovely already (to my ears) and I play it most days. I am doing some tuning practice on its little 12 bass cousin and will work on the 80 bass when I have gained some more experience.

And, I must confess to having acquired a “project” or two more (precise number is rather hush-hush... my wife might start objecting!) and some second hand reeds and spare parts... something about the aroma of hot wax and resin is very addictive!
I have sometimes wondered if a short length cut from the head end of a mild steel bullet-headed nail (of a suitable diameter) could possibly substitute for an accordion reed rivet?🤔
That's a really interesting idea. I guess it might help to anneal the nail first to make it more workable?
MoreorlessMusic, congratulations on turning a disaster into a triumph! You must be feeling like a box of birds! This is just the sort of thing needed on this forum to encourage others to be brave, and to rescue old instruments.

I'd expect a standard - not hardened - nail would be soft enough to act as a good rivet, but its diameter would have to match the tongue and plate hole diameter - might take some finding... It could, of course, be reduced in diameter on a lathe, or in a drill, with a file.

Accordeons Paris Sud stocks a good selection of tongues and rivets, and complete reed plates, and are good to deal with (in French!). No doubt Carini De Na also does, but the web site is awful!
Well done, it's worth fixing at least one accordion "from the ground up".
I've also restored a 41/120 Scandalli LMMH (1950s), with a similar keyboard mechanism, but if anything the pallets were worse.

Original pallets - no adjustment possible
1a Original front.1.jpg

Replacement adjustable pallets, hand carved from aluminium sheet and bolted on, angle can be changed with shims:
6a New side.1.jpg

I also had to carve a new register slider from brass sheet and fix the linkage.
Takes a while but the results are worth it.
MoreorlessMusic, congratulations on turning a disaster into a triumph! You must be feeling like a box of birds! This is just the sort of thing needed on this forum to encourage others to be brave, and to rescue old instruments.

I'd expect a standard - not hardened - nail would be soft enough to act as a good rivet, but its diameter would have to match the tongue and plate hole diameter - might take some finding... It could, of course, be reduced in diameter on a lathe, or in a drill, with a file.

Accordeons Paris Sud stocks a good selection of tongues and rivets, and complete reed plates, and are good to deal with (in French!). No doubt Carini De Na also does, but the web site is awful!
Accordeons Paris Sud, thank you for that I will have fun peering at their web site and dreaming of lovely accordions and their inner workings!!
I took delivery of an interesting parcel of parts from Liberty Bellows this week, treble and bass reeds, and some bass mechanism parts. Some are destined to end up in the Hohner Pirola that I bought from the amiable rogue who advertises on Trademe. A few months back I put a near new Hohner bass set from Liberty Bellows in the Pirola and will replace the treble side too. Many of the reeds that came with the Pirola are badly rusted and probably not worth saving, but I will hang onto them to practice tuning and so on.
Well done, it's worth fixing at least one accordion "from the ground up".
I've also restored a 41/120 Scandalli LMMH (1950s), with a similar keyboard mechanism, but if anything the pallets were worse.

Original pallets - no adjustment possible
1a Original front.1.jpg

Replacement adjustable pallets, hand carved from aluminium sheet and bolted on, angle can be changed with shims:
6a New side.1.jpg

I also had to carve a new register slider from brass sheet and fix the linkage.
Takes a while but the results are worth it.
That was really impressive work with making new adjustable palettes, they look superb.
That was really impressive work with making new adjustable palettes, they look superb.
They work surprising well

10a New Facings.1.jpg

I think the point of my message is that you can rescue almost anything,
whether it is worth it depends on why you're doing it.

If it's the first accordion you've rescued go for it.