Well, Dingo, now I know that particular screw can safely be loosened in my specific instrument, which I might even find reason to make use of.  Looking back, it was probably the reed blocks fitting especially tight in my high-humidity climate that had me just concerned enough about the force I was applying to lift one out to ignore what the difficulty of loosening the screw tried to tell me.
You're certainly right that accordion repair is a continuous learning experience, Paul.  I'm fortunate in (usually) having a pretty good mechanical sense and access to a good set of tools, given that the cost of shipping accordions anywhere outside of the small area to which I can drive is ferociously expensive.  Hence also my interest in fixing up the once nice, if still relatively low-monetary-value 2/4 LM 120bass box of some sentimental value to gain experience.  Pretty sure it "just" wants new valve padding, new leathers, a complete rewax, and a new bellows.