I would not ever take my cheapest lowliest accordion out and use it in such circumstances, the thought of the risk alone makes me cringe.
that's why i have that LMMH Accordiana/excelsior
it was a basket case, worn out, leaky bellows, dented, the living crap
beat out of it, but like all Excelsior products it was so well built
that it came back up off of Life-Support to be a damn nice playing
sweet sounding and totally reliable box
sharp looking too.. cream colored, that big oval voluptuous grille..
unique accents and neat little etchings that revealed the silvery
aluminum under the keyboard frame
i made it my outdoor box.. inclement weather all season no fear..
i even had a gig on a rowboat once (i wore a Life Jacket, but if
the boat had tipped that box would have been sleeping with the Fishes)
this was the one i saw the ice on the tips of the reeds
that i played for Christmas caroling every year at the
Tree Lighting ceremony here in town
this was the one i played outside the Pentagon under the
big tree that rainy Sunday after 9/11 when the girls were filling
my Van with whatever they could salvage from their office
for me to take to the Hoffman bldg. so they could be set-up
ready to work in temp. quarters that Monday
it really should have new bellows.. i still play it now and then..
this box is living proof that an Accordiana is never a bad investment
for someone on a budget that can do a little fixing up when needed..
oh, it is still in tune too after all these many decades.. gotta be a
solid 60 years old.. i only ever spot tuned a few reeds.. no rust..