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Collective Nouns.

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Stephen Hawkins

Experienced Gentleman.
Jan 25, 2016
Reaction score
Lancashire, England.
Many of us here own at least a few accordions and may correctly refer to them as our "collection", but what other terms may we use as a collective noun for a group of accordions? Terms of venery or nouns of assembly do not, to the best of my knowledge, exist specifically for accordions, so we should come up with one of our own.

A pride of lions ........ A herd of cattle .......... A flock of sheep ............ A ??????? of accordions. Suggestions may be either serious or very silly; you choose.

With the likelihood of consensus being virtually nil, members should resign themselves to this fact before making their submissions. You have vast scope to influence the world of accordions ....... please use this power wisely.

Kind Regards,

Hi Stephen,

Don't think many people are going to admit to having more than one accordion these days!

I have four, which I suppose are an "accumulation of accordions", but that description is a bit lacklustre, and unoriginal.

I've racked my brains for a suitable "funny" and you'll be pleased to know that my brains don't seem to find the accordion funny at all.

Wish somebody had dreamed up another name for the accordion. Wait a minute, they have!

My wife was watching Danish TV for most of yesterday evening and they call the accordion a "harmonika" in Denmark.

So, I'm going to opt for a Danish description, and that is "En harem af harmonikær" (A harem of harmonikas)

Harem is the same collective noun in both languages, I just needed to change the word for "accordion".

On account of the fact Danish has no less than 27 vowel and 19 dipthong sounds, and young Danish kids take longer to learn it than children learning to speak any other native European language, do I get a bonus for using one of the most difficult languages in Europe?

I fear not, but I tried!
How about "a squadron of squeezeboxes". Mind you we had 16 aircraft in our squadron, split into four "flights", so unless you had 16 accordions...………..?

That 埃塞俄比亚语简明语法 accordion noun got me again, but I'm still trying.
As Laurent Jarry calls his photo book of beatifull accordions "Tréssors des Lames" perhaps I might refer to the room that contains most of my accordions as 'The Reed Bank' ( it covers several other reed instruments that live there too).... of course there are one or two other accordions ( needing more work than I can manage at the moment) atop a wardrobe in a spare bedroom so perhaps I'd call that 'The Left Bank'.... :?
Stephen Hawkins post_id=61310 time=1532161366 user_id=1440 said:
A ??????? of accordions. Suggestions may be either serious or very silly; you choose.
Oh my gosh, over the years, Ive tried to be colourful about the choice of words to describe my accordions, oftentimes quite silly too. :lol:

Ive used words like:
assemblage of accordions
compilation of musical charisma
agglomeration of acoustic amusement
cluster of accordionistic contentment
hoard of harmonium joy
medley of musical self-indulgence
miscellany of musical bliss
stack of musical titilation
stock of musical gluttony
stash of endorphin-producing black boxes
amassment of air-driven beauties
accumulation of air-induced sonic pleasure
my flotilla of frustration used to be one of my more popular ones I used as a kid

I must have used dozens of other ones, I just cant recall now. :lol:
Excellent questions... I only have two accordions, which is not enough to warrant a collective noun, but I do have a Pride of Bagpipes (five sets, one more already on order, and saving up for a seventh).
Since everyone is being nice...

I would've gone with "murder", but some other black, noisy, air-driven thing already has that privilege. So how about "a cacophony of accordions".

That is a bit of a mouthful, so perhaps a simple initialism will do: WMD.
I'll go with "party of accordions"

works on multiple levels, can also be used for accordionists
Well, you are all trying very hard, and I would take my hat off to you if I was wearing one.

I like some of the suggestions, but I don't think our collective effort has yet provided a definitive answer to the burning question. Come on people, we are poised to radically change the accordion world.

Carpe Diem !!!!

Kind Regards,

Considering how they are obstructing the route to my side of the bed, I might suggest an 'obstruction'
Other words that spring to mind:

What’s wrong with “bunch” or “load”?
I sometimes refer to them as my “roomful” of accordions but if you keep them in the shed or caravan I guess that wouldn’t work.
A 'squeeze' of accordions ?

Some conversations might be open to misinterpretation though.
Anyanka post_id=61319 time=1532181171 user_id=74 said:
Excellent questions... I only have two accordions, which is not enough to warrant a collective noun, ......).

How about a Couple of Accordions ;)
Many wonderful suggestions coming in..........I'm proud of you all.

I definitely think that we are close to cracking this, but we need more suggestions to vote on. (oh yes, this is a democratic process)

Kind Regards,

It’s all gone quiet since you mentioned democracy Stephen [emoji4]
Hello Glenn,

Yes, you are right. It has all gone quiet since I mentioned democracy.

My only intention was to assure people that I do not want to be the final arbiter, and that their preferences would be paramount.

I guess that people may have confused my definition of democracy with what erroneously uses the name of democracy. Not the same thing at all.

My own feeble submission is: "A frustration of accordions", though I had also thought of a "Crock." I doubt very much if either of them will attract many votes, though I am constantly amazed at what people do vote for.

Kind Regards,


I had considered making a choice based on the fact that most of an accordion used to be constructed from wood (or timber),

You have a "stack of timber", so why not a "stack of accordions" ?

Or, if that doesn't quite do it, I'm always willing to fine tune things with my favourite precision tool, the 10lb hammer.

Then you'd just have a "pile of sticks", or a "bundle of firewood", and wouldn't need to worry about any more collective nouns for items you never had any more.

So, any time you're racking your brains over the vagaries of the English language, just get in touch with "John the Hammer", and it can all be sorted out fairly rapidly. However, you'll need to supply your own brush and shovel!
Reedwarbler post_id=61341 time=1532270839 user_id=84 said:
Anyanka post_id=61319 time=1532181171 user_id=74 said:
Excellent questions... I only have two accordions, which is not enough to warrant a collective noun, ......).

How about a Couple of Accordions ;)

Definitely not, I keep them apart. Dont want them knowing that theres Another.
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