A Cadre of Accordions?
Stephen Hawkins post_id=61420 time=1532555026 user_id=1440 said:I only went to university myself at the age of 38, and that was linked to professional advancement. I had a raft of qualifications before I went into higher education, but could advance no further without a degree.
The moral of this is that I could have thought of a collective noun with or without a degree, as can anyone else.
I went to University much earlier, at the age of 17. Their drains were blocked so they had to call in a team of experienced drain surgeons, of which I was a member. We cleared away so much sewage that I lost count of the tonnage involved, and the funny thing was it just looked like the same stuff we had cleared from a lunatic asylum the week before. We had been called in to assist another team of plumbers, and when we managed to complete the task as a joint venture we decided a celebration was in order.
We therefore compiled our own version of a famous song, based on the lyrics of David and Jonathan:- Plumbers of the World Unite to clear away the pish and shite!
I actually have a degree which I obtained at St Andrews University, here in Scotland. I got a Batchelor of Arts and subsequently became a registered doctor of renal medicine. I am therefore entitled to letters after my name (always giving indication of the abbreviation applicable to the university concerned, which in my case was St.A for Saint Andrews) as follows:-
John Walker B.A.(St.A) R.D.</QUOTE>
Stephen Hawkins post_id=61436 time=1532639553 user_id=1440 said:Just clarify one small point for me: Are these Asylums for the accordions or the accordionists? It does make a difference.
I suppose accordionists could adopt this as a collective noun. An Asylum of Accordionists. Very touching........ I like it.
Stephen Hawkins post_id=61535 time=1532988957 user_id=1440 said:Hi Morne,
Loving your thinking. I think accordionists need an asylum of their very own.