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Collective Nouns.

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Is gaggle as in a gaggle of geese, a noun? How about a school as in school of fish. School could be either a noun or a verb or a ??? I think, therefore, any word that conveys the descriptive color is appropriate.
I have variously referred to my collection as my Clutch, Battery, Herd or Jumble. My wife refers to them as an intrusion (I secretly like that one, an intrusion of accordions).
The question got me to putting some serious thought behind it, so following is the result.

Register of Accordions
Arc (Ark?) of Accordions [you may have to think about this one for a while]
Box of Accordions [the most obvious of all]
Irony of Accordions
Desire of Accordions [kinda like a Pride of Lions][MY new way of referring to my collection]

Press on...
Dictionary definition of accord balanced interelationship, harmony.
Therefore it has to be an accord of accordions
You are all dazzling me with your sparkling wit. I love many of your erudite suggestions, so I think we are moving closer to a vote.

Please have your votes in by the 32nd of the month. It would be quite wrong of me to vote, so I will act only as the returning officer.

Kind Regards,


Right, I'm out of it now. Thought "Erudite" was a type of glue. Looked it up and I see that it means people who are the opposite from me.

I loved the description "cultivated". That was what we called people who had been cremated and had their ashes scattered in their back gardens. An "intellectual" was somebody who had managed ro read a whole book right through, and "civilized" we certainly weren't.

Glad I never went to Homebase (UK hardware store) and asked for a tube of Erudite. Mind you this is Scotland, and I would probably have had 4 or 5 store assistants trying to help me find it. My vocabulary has now increased to 1001 words, but I'm still nowhere near "well informed" enough to have any chance with your competition.

Is "Loctite" one of those fancy words you university types also use, or am I right in thinking that it is in fact a type of glue?
Hello John,

My, my, this is coming along much better than I thought it would. All these wonderful suggestions for a collective noun; who would have believed it?

The benefit of a higher education makes no difference at all on this thread. In fact, some of the smartest people I know have never been to university.

I only went to university myself at the age of 38, and that was linked to professional advancement. I had a raft of qualifications before I went into higher education, but could advance no further without a degree.

The moral of this is that I could have thought of a collective noun with or without a degree, as can anyone else.

Kind Regards,

Stephen Hawkins post_id=61420 time=1532555026 user_id=1440 said:
I only went to university myself at the age of 38, and that was linked to professional advancement. I had a raft of qualifications before I went into higher education, but could advance no further without a degree.

The moral of this is that I could have thought of a collective noun with or without a degree, as can anyone else.


I went to University much earlier, at the age of 17. Their drains were blocked so they had to call in a team of experienced drain surgeons, of which I was a member. We cleared away so much sewage that I lost count of the tonnage involved, and the funny thing was it just looked like the same stuff we had cleared from a lunatic asylum the week before. We had been called in to assist another team of plumbers, and when we managed to complete the task as a joint venture we decided a celebration was in order.

We therefore compiled our own version of a famous song, based on the lyrics of David and Jonathan:- Plumbers of the World Unite to clear away the pish and shite!

I actually have a degree which I obtained at St Andrews University, here in Scotland. I got a Batchelor of Arts and subsequently became a registered doctor of renal medicine. I am therefore entitled to letters after my name (always giving indication of the abbreviation applicable to the university concerned, which in my case was St.A for Saint Andrews) as follows:-

John Walker B.A.(St.A) R.D.</QUOTE>
Once the votes are tallied, perhaps we ought to determine next whether any such congregation of accordions nearby would be considered sufficient grounds for a successful asylum application.
Hello Morne,

Hmmmmm, asylums for accordions. Actually, that would be a damned good collective noun for accordions. An Asylum of Accordions .... Yes, it has a ring to it.

Just clarify one small point for me: Are these "Asylums" for the accordions or the accordionists? It does make a difference.

I suppose accordionists could adopt this as a collective noun. "An Asylum of Accordionists." Very touching........ I like it.

Kind Regards,

While mowing the lawn today, I came up with a couple more (mower?).
Apologies if these have already been suggested:

A Score of Accordions

An Accord of Accordions

Oh, BTW, here is digital graphic I created today...


  • Accordion Girl2.jpg
    Accordion Girl2.jpg
    829 KB · Views: 910
More very witty suggestions ....... well done and thank you for your efforts. I really think we are getting somewhere.
Kind Regards,
Stephen Hawkins post_id=61436 time=1532639553 user_id=1440 said:
Just clarify one small point for me: Are these Asylums for the accordions or the accordionists? It does make a difference.

I suppose accordionists could adopt this as a collective noun. An Asylum of Accordionists. Very touching........ I like it.

I was thinking Option C - those innocent bystanders seeking political asylum because of an amassing asylum of accordion(ist)s!
Stephen Hawkins post_id=61535 time=1532988957 user_id=1440 said:
Hi Morne,

Loving your thinking. I think accordionists need an asylum of their very own.



Anyone playing an accordion is already in an asylum. Self committed.
Hi Tony,

Quite correct, but I love my asylum. The food is good and plentiful, and I get to play my accordion whenever I like.


Stephen, you could subdivide and conquer, too.
A Herd of Hohners
A Posse of Petosas
A Gaggle of Golas
A Batch of Beltunas
A Cell of Excelsiors
A Sty of Piginis?
Olay, now I’ve gone too far.
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